Hast Du einen “Außenseiter” in Deiner CD-Sammlung?

Oder LP-Sammlung.

Ein Album, dass aus dem Rahmen fällt, weil es vom Genre her nicht zu Deiner Sammlung und Deinem üblichen Musikgeschmack paßt.

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9 months ago

In my LP collection there is actually a real “outsider”: an original vinyl edition by “The Marble Index” by Nico. This album is completely out of the frame, as my usual music taste goes more towards Classic Rock and Blues. This record is not only rare and valuable because it is a first pressing, but also because of its cultural influence and the fact that it is often considered one of the earliest and most important albums of the Goth and Darkwave genre. Although it doesn’t fit my usual music taste at all, I appreciate it because of its historical meaning and the unique atmosphere it conveys.

Oh-yes… this tear-out in my collection reminds me that music is a diverse art form that can be expressed in many different styles and emotions. It is always good to get out of its musical comfort zone and explore something completely different.

Best regards 🙂

9 months ago

I, too modern, speak of my Spotify library 🙂

There is mostly rock or 80s, but I also have an outsider: a Best-of-Playlist by Poor Man’s Poison. The genre is called Southern Gothic. If I find it cool, sometimes I hear on the way to school in the morning. At noon the guitar is destroyed again properly.

9 months ago

This is probably AMON DÜL I with the album “Disaster”.

AMON DÜL was originally a music-loving Munich Commune that eventually split up into AMON DÜL I and AMON DÜL II. The one (AMON DÜL II) celebrated huge successes and were inspired by their original, good and cowardly music. They must be called in a breath with the best herb skirt bands like GURU GURU, KRAAN, ELOY etc.

Anders AMON DÜL I. You only do Radau in German. Their music is unconceptual and just bad. Nevertheless, she has something that attracts me. Somehow the music is so bad that it is good again;-)

But what else should I tell you about it?

Here the number:

“Yea Yea Yea”


9 months ago

My collection (CD and record) consists mainly of these musical directions:

  • The Flippers, Andy Borg, The Wildecker Herzbuben, Chris Roberts etc.
  • Mayhem, Burzum, Dark Funeral, Gorgoroth, Motörhead, Iron Maiden
  • 50s – 80s in general

blinds that I could identify for the speeds that do not fit into any category and do not belong to the garbage candidates:

  • Ballermann-Saufmusik
  • Kool Savas – Death, or Living
  • Radezky-Marsch

Now have a big closet full, over 1000, and they’re all crossed and crossed in there, and still find what I’m trying to hear.

9 months ago

My collection consists mostly of Punk/Rock, but I also have a Frank Sinatra album:-D

9 months ago

In my vinyl collection stands a “Best of…” from Heinobecause there
“Black brown is the hazelnut” on it.

Background: In the middle of the 1980s, the DJ played several discs Synthpop, Wave, Rockabilly and Punk in my tribal disko. Before the Pogo started, he played Heino, which heated the mood quite and where everyone knew: Dreaming the dance floor, flying the pussies immediately. Since I set up a record for a time, I took over this idea and got the Heino disc for 1 DM from the Ramschtisch.

And then, for a while, in my CD collection, I had the disgusting work
John Lennon And Yoko Ono – “Unfinished Music No. 1. Two Virgins”.
A gift because at that time very rare. And yet the most cruel thing you can have in a music collection. In the meantime, I have reconsigned it to a Beatles fan, who wanted to pass it on only in the pub. His first words when I told him the CD: “Is shit, ne?”

9 months ago

My collection is extremely versatile, from old snoops of the 50s, Free-Jazz, World. Metal, classic, up to a bunch of crazy discs, but there’s everything, nothing falls out of the frame.

I guess this can only happen to collectors who have a very one-sided music taste.

9 months ago

Not directly, no – these are predominantly well-known and relatively “mainstream” and very well-known stars of the German-speaking area of Udo Lindenberg, Udo Jürgens, Andreas Martin, Roland Kaiser, Nicole, Hanne Haller, Angelika Milster etc., quite 80er/90er-lastig, also G.G. Anderson, the Flippers, Wolfgang Petry, Karel Gott, Andrea Berg, the Münchner Freiheit, BAP I also have some CDs from the series “Bäärenstark” of approx. 1996 to 2005 – that was the time when I was musically socialized.

My collection is quite homogeneous, but I have a lot of James Last and some very high-quality classic CDs from Philips – and Dieter Bohlen/Blue System as well as two CDs from Modern Talking as well as the Bad Boys Blue are likely to emerge, with … nee, actually this is also music from the German-speaking area of the 80s and 90s. So not really, no – if you look out from Dancing Fantasy, that’s so synthesizer / relaxation music, and a few similar CDs.


9 months ago

Oh, don’t remember. I still have an LP from the “Original Oberkrainians” – which I could never stand out – no idea where it comes from, but now it’s an antique.

9 months ago

I have CDs crossed through everything you can think about. From classic to blues to some rock – I don’t want to limit myself.

A few weeks ago, I got a good shot from the “War Requiem” by Benjamin Britten, that’s what I’ve got to get to mind.

9 months ago

I once bought a small box with half large plates on the flea market for an art project. In one case were two old color pictures with shit porn. It was just too bad.