Hast du eine Sucht?
bzw hattest du schonmal eine?
bzw hattest du schonmal eine?
Schönen guten Tag, Ich habe mein Führerschein beantragt, leider bekam Ich die Nachricht das ich einen Drugscreening machen muss, da ich vor 3 Jahren verurteilt wurde das aber in Erziehung gegangen ist. Leider nehme ich ab und zu am wochende 2/4 Tillis, dadurch habe ich schiss das dieser positiv ausfallen wird durch eine Haarprobe, weiß…
Hab grad eine 2CB Tablette (15mg) bei mir rumliegen und frage mich gerade aus Neugierde wie es ist sich darauf einen runterzuholen? Ist es geil oder eher weniger?
Hi Leute ich wollte mal fragen was von dene beiden eher gefährlicher ist, ich habe schon von vielen gehört man soll die hhc vape bei Seite legen weil sie nur aus Chemie und andere Zeug besteht wo noch nicht wissenschaftlich untersucht wurde was sich darin enthaltet. Ich persönlich selber habe damals hhc vape geraucht aber…
Yes, lol
what is
let dings nd here, enough for today
What we are talking about
but it was a long time ago
I am
were you or are you still?
Do you like?
Yeah, I had or I got several. With a certain addiction, I’ve stopped with it, but don’t know if I’m gonna start with it. And there is something else that could develop into a addiction if I do it permanently and both are not good for me…
No, ukhti don’t start, you have to stay strong. Allah knows that it was better for us. Just a test.
I still smoke, but rather every 2-3 days. I’m still crying, but 1x a week and I’m gone after 2 trains at Jay. I also drink alcohol, but breaks of min. 1 month are available. I also do tingling, but rarely (the pleasure disappears too fast).
I’ve got a diagnostic Anorexia Nervosa, that’s magic.
I’ve been stable since 2020, but I’ve always been falling back where I eat famines or cotton towels. That’s why I want to do another therapy.
I’m happy to have no more so critical underweight, even if I feel totally thick and disgusting every time I look into the mirror.
Meanwhile I know that food is important, it will probably never be my favorite employment, but it is just to have strength for the day.
How did you stop cigarettes? Reduced or direct stop? Have you come back?
I’ve been reduced and I’ve been falling back three times, the pampering has lasted 2.5 years
I have been a non-smoker since 15.06.2022. The worst were after 3 days total smoke stop. The first two weeks. Coughs and breathing noises in the lying. It was really stressed out when trying to fall asleep. Had to put a big pillow under my back (I’m a back sleeper) so that I lay a little diffraction and had to sleep with sleepers the 2 weeks. Otherwise it wouldn’t have gone. But fortunately I had no withdrawal symptoms in general. No trembling or no sweating. Or diarrhea or bite. Luckily I had no monkeys 🐵 that’s what you say. You can stop if you want it to be a headache. Discipline. Power of will. Will strength. My mother’s COPD scared me. Come the thoughts and so I can end. I really want to suffocate
That sounds very good – thank you for the detailed answer!
So I helped. I heard a story from wartime. There were prisoners of war who claimed to have survived the heavy time of the prison of war, because they have caught themselves from cigarette to cigarette, which they got two times a day.
I used this for me, but I’m crazy. When I was at 50 cigarettes a day, I’m down to 49 “A cigarette less, it’s not a problem” either. The first 10 cigarettes were less light, were still 40 pieces a day
It became hard when I had only 10 more pieces. And there I made it like the prisoners of war, I hung up from hour to hour “In an hour there is cigarette number 4 etc.”
When I no longer smoked, I’ve always said, “You’re now smoke-free for an hour, you’re also making two. “You’re a day smoke-free you can also make two”
That worked well but at parties I got weak, then the next day I didn’t start again at 0, then I smoked 3 or 5 cigarettes and I went down from there again
I tried to scare it more often… usually it starts well and after 5 days I start to scare myself, smoke secretly and think the first time: ‘is still everything in it, that is the last’ and then I’m totally in it again and remember: ‘Come on, fucked, smoked again as usual’
Now I haven’t tried it anymore and always put it before me
I hope I still pack, I also try it with reductions, have always stopped directly, thank you
Jo, but no drug addiction or really serious addiction.
That would be:
Wish you a lot of strength with self injury nh try to stay clean
Counting m&m eating as if
can’t stop eating the I have opened a pack then eat until everything is gone even if I’m just about to vomit
Yeah, I’m proud cell phone addiction. It’s not too bad to object.
Yes and how I learned that looking for a compulsive is why there is forced therapy. I didn’t get it sooner
Yeah, maybe candy. 😅🤣
LG Maike
No, nothing you would call “search” ðŸTM‚
I’d say sex, after 20 years you get used to it almost daily and I don’t want to miss it either. I don’t have to be married either;-)
I have taken a lot ex alcoholic have taken drug now unfortunately nicotine and where after I am a totala junkie is music without music I cannot live
Jap a mobile phone searches her also still and PC searches
No, I never had one. I wouldn’t think of anything that could make me addict.
Best regards, Jan
Of course
Yes, caffeine, nicotine and alcohol until about 3 weeks ago.
Yeah, but I usually start again
Yeah, I had. And I’m glad! That sounds so stupid, but this addiction taught me a lot.
I was an eucalyptusbon addict. I mentioned this in the forum a few times. That’s how I landed here on a good question. By googletizing if there’s a menthol addiction. I read that you can be addicted to everything.
I was advised by a search counselor and I was told that my addiction (non-physical- addictive) only takes place in the head. My brain saved the wrong one. I was so tired of my addiction! The next day I was “clean” – after several years of addiction. And so I wrote my first answer here in the forum.
And can help many people ever since. I’m grateful.
Yeah, I’ve had the longing several times.
a slight dependence on grass drops, but fortunately I am clean again
I currently have 2 search problems
I can’t stop eating.
I once had a redbull looking for where I drank a whole range of redbull in 6 hours as a teenager alone.
Don’t ask me how I live…
Sv and anorexie if that counts haha
My “search” is to do the will of God according to my knowledge and vocation.
Yes, Polytoxikomanie.
Good luck not
No. Like what? I’m almost on GF all the time.
Caffeine nicotine and sex
Oxygen addiction. The addiction to breathe and out. We are unfortunately all affected..
Air is a means for the purpose. No addiction!
One? I guess I have over 10.
Nose spray 😅😅
me tooo
Unfortunately nicotine.
I have
Energy Drinks
No, fortunately I have no addiction