Hässlich wegen Augenringe?
Hallo , ich habe sehr sehr starke Augenringe . Ich habe sehr tiefe und richtige Bögen . Mir ist das so unangenehm, so rauszugehen . Keine Concealer helfen . Habe viele getestet , gekühlt , Masken probiert aber wirklich alles schlimm . Habe dann versucht, wenig concealer und alles aufzutragen , aber man sieht sie trotzdem stark . Habe genug Schlaf aber ich weiß nicht was ich noch machen soll .
It could be iron deficiency or up to a certain degree of water deficiency. You can test iron with the doctor or buy an iron preparation from you and check out what happens. With too much iron, nothing happens anyway, so can try without fear.
Try to do red lipstick on the eye rings. Red lipstick covers your eye rings and is much easier to cover. It doesn’t even have to be heavily applied, but only slightly.
Hope I could help you.
It can also be a vitamin deficiency
If you don’t help, you can leave the eye rings under the doctor.
Eye rings are sexy, stop my mind.
try hemorrhoids cream.
You know what hemorrhoids are? This is applied to the after.
Google if you don’t believe me
And it’s not just about drying out, it’s about more susceptible to infection. So ne cream is a drug and should not be used for under the eyes as eyes are sensitive.
The question was what helps against eye rings. And not what does not let the skin dry out so quickly.
Yes Google may but I am a pharmaceutical assistant and hemorrhoid cream harms the skin more than anything else. In addition, the skin under the eyes is extremely sensitive and thin. Among the eyes we hardly have sebaceous glands, which means as much as dry skin and such a cream dries out even more in most cases. So finger away from such creams.