Hass und Hetze gegen Ungeimpfte in der Gesellschaft: Sollte dies aufgearbeitet werden?

In den meisten Ländern befürwortete ein signifikanter Anteil der Geimpften den Ausschluss von Ungeimpften aus familiären Beziehungen. Umgekehrt galt dies aber nicht: Ungeimpfte zeigten in der Regel keine diskriminierenden Einstellungen gegenüber Geimpften.

Die Ungeimpften wurden von Geimpften als «unintelligent» und «nicht vertrauenswürdig» wahrgenommen. Wir schauten uns auch an, ob Geimpfte bereit wären, Ungeimpften grundlegende Rechte zu verwehren. Diese Studie führten wir nur in den USA durch. Dort stiessen wir auf eine teilweise bestrafende Haltung gegenüber den Ungeimpften: So zeigten Geimpfte eine Bereitschaft, ihnen Arbeitslosengeld zu verweigern oder das Recht auf die freie Wahl des Wohnorts zu entziehen. Sie wären sogar mitunter so weit gegangen, Ungeimpfte in der freien Meinungsäusserung zu beschneiden. Die diskriminierenden Einstellungen waren also nicht nur weit verbreitet, sondern sie gingen auch tief.

Um den Grad der Diskriminierung einordnen zu können, verglichen wir die Einstellung gegenüber Ungeimpften mit jener gegenüber Migranten aus dem Nahen Osten. Diese sind, wie wir aus zahlreichen Studien wissen, in besonderem Ausmass Vorurteilen ausgesetzt. Dennoch war die ablehnende Haltung gegenüber Ungeimpften in unserer Studie zweieinhalb Mal ausgeprägter.

Denn die Forschung zeigt: Wer sich ausgeschlossen und an den Rand gedrängt fühlt, der nähert sich der Gesellschaft nicht an, wenn er auch noch als dumm bezeichnet wird. Wir sollten stattdessen die Gründe für die Impfskepsis genauer ansehen.

Insbesondere im linken politischen Spektrum herrscht heute eine hohe Sensibilität gegenüber jeglicher Form von Diskriminierung. Doch gerade linke Kreise haben es eher akzeptiert, dass Ungeimpfte diskriminiert wurden.


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9 months ago

Anyone who has refused to be invaded in a global pandemic that has paralyzed the whole world, to be inoculated against the rampant disease in order to reduce their own risk of contagion and also other people and thus to contribute to the fact that we as humanity can overcome this pandemic, should finally stop pretending that he could not go to the restaurant for a few months. If anything is to be worked up, it is more to these people themselves who should really reflect their lack of empathy and solidarity! And best of all, they should also visit a course on media literacy to stop falling into so many fake news and dizziness in the future…

9 months ago
Reply to  Lobsang2024

You mean the case where a young man was shot in a gas station? Oh, never mind, there was the perpetrator of the masquerade…

9 months ago
Reply to  HappyMe1984

It’s just that the vaccination itself shouldn’t officially help against contagious…

9 months ago
Reply to  anonym200886

It reduces the risk. This has been explained to you a dozen times. What do you not understand?

9 months ago
Reply to  HappyMe1984

Missing empathy (Hust Hust) discriminate against people because they are as much afraid of vaccination as you have before the virus (Hust Hust)

9 months ago

“Take your worries and fears seriously” has led us to get the first state government with AfD participation here in Saxony in autumn. Sorry, but no, I’m really looking for the oven in terms of taking any debes, who has zero media competence and looking for simple answers to complex questions! Just keep quiet.

9 months ago

Do we perhaps want to look back again, how and where all the Coronaleugners, Vaccinators and Co. have joined forces with rich citizens and right-wing extremists? Where the cutting quantity became increasingly a circle? Don’t pretend it’s a completely unproblematic scene!

By the way, even away from Corona, the whole vaccinators are becoming increasingly a problem, for example in the form of dead babies and toddlers because of measles…

9 months ago

In most countries a significant proportion of vaccinated persons supported the exclusion of unvaccinated persons from family relations. Conversely, this was not true: unimpededness usually showed no discriminatory attitudes towards vaccinations.

Remembering the old saying the smokers are really greatranter than non-smokers. Because smokers don’t have a problem with it when a non-smoker gets into the smoking area.

Apart from this, a number of people are known to me from “denkers” circles who call on social networks or have called themselves to distance themselves from vaccinations.

9 months ago
Reply to  Lobsang2024
9 months ago

But remain a dream because it also made some politicians against unimpededness and likes to throw cautious/users into a pot for the right of their own physical integrity with deniers, right or extremists.

These hetzers have contributed a good deal to the division of the society and unmistakable to parties/politics/dr government.

9 months ago

Thank God we live in a free and democratic rule of law where nobody can force anything.

Personally, I didn’t let myself intrude, I was afraid of possible vaccination damage or risks WAS NUNMAL IN NOT RESEARCH IMPFSTOFF After a friend of the family died one day after the first vaccination and then also a relative after the 3 boosters, thromboses in both legs got it for me.

I don’t trust this state and the capitalists up there, they’re supposed to splash their shit to someone else but I’m not dying of a flu and don’t need any vaccination!

9 months ago
Reply to  AffigerAtze

In addition, in the now 4 years in which the shit went around, I didn’t put on a MAL. And everyone I knew with the twentieth Booster had it, so nix tells me about a “Pandemie der unvaccinated” that was at most the pandemic of the dumps that eat the state from the hand and absolutely nothing questioning.

9 months ago

There are so many inaccurate and unsteady claims in the text that you don’t know where to start…

9 months ago

The unvaccinated were permanently harassed and demarcated.

It was repeatedly said “the unimpeded endanger the vaccinated.

if the unvaccinated endanger the vaccinated, what does the vaccination help?

An vaccination is to protect against virus disease. If the unvaccinated yet endanger the vaccinated, the vaccination obviously does not protect against it. So, what does the vaccination help?

9 months ago
Reply to  anonym200886

The unvaccinated were permanently harassed and demarcated.

As unfairly, there are several vaccinations against vaccinated to this day.

So, what does the vaccination help?

I myself know that this has already been explained so often that it even gets MIR back to the ears.

you don’t accept it, do you?

9 months ago
Reply to  HalloDu597

As unfairly, there are several vaccinations against vaccinated to this day.

You can’t deny that.

I myself know that this has already been explained so often that it even gets MIR back to the ears.

you don’t accept it, do you?

what do I not want to accept that the vaccination is supposed to help while the vaccinated at the same time all become sick by corona? the vaccinated body is also, despite vaccination, no matter who the coronaviruses originate, he tries to combat all corona viruses – whether from the vaccinated or unvaccinated. but if the unvaccinated people still endanger you, does the vaccination do that?

9 months ago
Reply to  anonym200886

It was repeatedly said “the unimpeded endanger the vaccinated.

if the unvaccinated endanger the vaccinated, what does the vaccination help?

Who said that? Source? The unimpeded were those who were more at risk, they had to take measures to protect them.

Vaccination reduces the risk of a serious disease by onefold. This has been explained and laid for you many times. What do you not understand?

9 months ago
Reply to  Spezialmann

they had to take measures to protect them.

This is what if you don’t get sick people to the doctor because you wanted to protect them from the diseases of other patients. Or how to block the whole folk into prison to protect it from criminals and criminals.

9 months ago

Oh, I thought you meant “official.” Well, then. So you’ve read something from anyone who hides behind anonymity and claims that he’s vaccinated – what you can’t even check – take it for fullness and generalize it. Oh, man…

9 months ago


vaccinated users on the internet, e.g. here. I can’t say exact user names. I don’t remember any username.


Other here on but also elsewhere on the web.

9 months ago

Who? Where?

9 months ago

You may not. Many others have vaccinated this pussy, but often enough have bruised.

9 months ago

What are you writing for? Unvaccinated people had a much higher risk of severe behaviour, so they had to be protected from contagious infections for their own protection and the health system.

9 months ago

Did you sleep the last few years?

I didn’t feel at risk from unimpeded, where did you get that?

9 months ago

Don’t do it. I don’t know where you got this claim.

Did you sleep the last few years?

9 months ago

what do I not want to accept that vaccination is supposed to help?

She doesn’t help “probably” she helps. It reduces the risk for heavy processes by a multiple. You don’t want to accept that.

while the vaccinated at the same time all get sick by corona

“All” are not getting sick. And if vaccinations are still getting sick, then a lot more rarely hard than unimpeded. That’s what a vaccination is supposed to do.

he tries to combat all corona viruses – whether from vaccinated or unvaccinated.

Right. But the vaccinated body is prepared and therefore less susceptible.

but if the unvaccinated people still endanger you, does the vaccination do that?

Don’t do it. I don’t know where you got this claim. The inoculated are those who are endangered, so they had to be protected.

9 months ago

Unvaccinated were – at least for a long time – far from contagious as vaccinated.
They were infected with unvaccinated persons essential rather than infected. Your virus load was much higher.

…you just have to ride on old camels again.

But I know that this way of thinking is apparently too high.

As unfairly, there are several vaccinations against vaccinated to this day.

You can’t deny that.

then do something about it! And don’t keep waiting for the others!

….sonsten: leave it as it is and is good!

9 months ago

This is one of the files, just like the rush of the vaccinators

9 months ago
Reply to  Lobsang2024

Why do you pack several years old camels that no longer care? It’s a long time, what are you gonna do? The drop is sucked.

9 months ago
Reply to  Lobsang2024

No, we don’t need preparation. That’s enough.

The term sleeping sheep is known to you, yes? Has often happened enough, even here at GF. Germ check

9 months ago

Then please walk out and spare yourself and us if everything is so fucking here.


9 months ago

What if we get the next pandemic?

Then you can get big-tone spookers and show us all your own responsibility how to make it right 😎👍🏻

9 months ago

I don’t know where you’ve got your wisdom, but you’ve just understood GARNICHTS about what I’ve written…

9 months ago

Name unvaccinated sleep sheep and as soon as the state gets a new and not properly researched vaccine until you, of course, run the first of the vaccination center.

9 months ago

And if you now seriously claim that a rush of vaccinators against voluntary vaccinations would not have happened anywhere, you urgently need a rework!

BB 👋

9 months ago

The high vaccination rate saved us from the pandemic. We can be happy to have come out so relatively well. I do not understand what the vaccinators have enlivened in their decisions against society. It’s bad. Even worse, this late aftermath is against better knowledge. We survived the pandemic, despite the vaccinator. It would have been easier without them.

9 months ago

You should send the dummies back to school.

9 months ago
Reply to  Funship

And you in the first row

9 months ago

In order that this can no longer be used for the division of society and politically exploited above.

This must no longer happen as long as “good thinking” people do not consider the catastrophic consequences of their decisions, will happen again.

9 months ago

The vaccination was allegedly volunteer! However, a considerable inoculated pressure was invented.

9 months ago

At the latest, if hatred against those who have advocated vaccination is worked up, this issue may also be up.


9 months ago
Reply to  Lobsang2024

Right. The linked article reads as if the many emails and drohan calls were all individual cases.



25 ads? Wow.

https://www.kvsh.de/press/press releases/drug-against-kinderzte-absolut-inacceptable


The Corona denier is not only threatening, but also willing to act violently and also to murder in doubt.

9 months ago

So “Trust me bro.” All right.

9 months ago

I also noticed that for most people an invaccinator is a “Corona denier” or “vaccinator”.

Documents? Or Trust me bro?

9 months ago

No, it’s not working up. The subject is done.

9 months ago
Reply to  Lobsang2024

In history, too few have taken care of

Oh, yes… In 1807, Bayern introduced the pox vaccination. All the then forced vaccinations have died. Without exception all

9 months ago

I’m vaccinated and alive. Strange.

9 months ago

And your thumb high confirms to me that you are not very smart 😂👍🏻

9 months ago

Of course not. Whoever hurts others, he has to face dislikes.

9 months ago
Reply to  Lobsang2024

It has a lot more damaged to let people inoculate (whether indirectly or directly). This eternal fission, totally unnecessary. You shouldn’t judge or watch anyone for it either, just because he didn’t let himself intrude. In retrospect, it doesn’t matter, the pandemic is over.

9 months ago
Reply to  Lobsang2024

Others also from you and your possible viruses.

9 months ago

With all your great history of PCR test and fast tests that are not verifiable in truth content, you have forgotten what you have claimed. Your claim was that your virus burden had been lower “as with some woostering you know. “You have granted yourself that you cannot know that. Then why are you making such a claim?

Empirie now counts more for me than any statistics

Yeah. And you mean your subjective experiences from your acquaintance are “empirie”? And are more worth than global evaluations? You can’t be serious.

And a vaccine that has not been tested long enough

According to Mittlwerwile more than three years, the last one should have understood that vaccines do not occur in the period of “testing”, but rather in the quantity of subjects. In addition to vaccinations occur within the first maximum of 6 weeks. A “testing period” of two months is sufficient. You only need enough subjects to get as many possible side effects in the admission studies. The number of test subjects was significantly higher in the case of corona vaccines than in other vaccines.

There are also enough doctors who have betrayed it.

There were a few doctors who have advised off the vaccination. Many of them had a financial interest – just published a book, bring mask testes to the man/woman, or other ways to earn a bit of money in “mothers” and “vaccinators” and get a little attention.

9 months ago

It is clear to me that you can be contagious before the start of the symptoms, just as you can be asymptomatic. But if on the day of the first symptoms several quick tests, in which I did not make any “application errors”, are all negative, the virus load cannot be so high. When the result of the PCR test came, I made a single one, as already mentioned, that was immediately positive. For a logically thinking person, it can be concluded that the virus load is higher and that the rapid test only reacts now. Empirie now counts more for me than any statistics. Statistics can be just as wrong. I’d rather question things that don’t happen to me. And a vaccine that hasn’t been tested long enough (as opposed to others), I don’t let myself be chased into the veins. There are also enough doctors who have betrayed it. But as already mentioned, everyone is free to do what he thinks right. Whether it’s the right thing, it’s time. I wish you a pleasant Sunday.

9 months ago

I’m leaving the day I first had symptoms.

“You’re leaving.” Well, that’s the mistake. The first day of symptoms is not the first day of infection. Just as there are completely symptomless procedures, the symptoms do not always occur at the same distance from the infection even in symptomatic processes.

But why didn’t the quick tests react? 2 possible options: virus load too low or test no longer works.

3. Possibility: Application error.

Apart from that, a positive quick test does not say anything about the virus load.

I have comparative values regarding the CT value because I know enough people who are vaccinated or even boostered and whose CT values were “lower”, meaning that their virus load was higher than mine.

Since you can’t know how many days after the infection these CT values have measured, this is completely worthless.

And as far as your personal experiences that are not verifiable in truth content are concerned: They are statistically completely irrelevant for a global topic. We are talking about a topic that affects billions of people, your acquaintance of a few dozen people is completely irrelevant.

The worldwide statistics clearly show that vaccinations have had a much lower risk for severe disorders and death that they were less contagious and less contagious.

9 months ago

What I have to say in addition: That there are serious COVID diseases I would never negate, some in my environment that have suffered severely. But none of them was unvaccinated. It is generally easy to apply to the immune system. Vaccinations can help to ensure protection, but in the case of corona vaccination, I am rather skeptical. In general, I am not a vaccinator, only in this case it was just too insecure to me, since the vaccine has not been tested as long as we say one against Tetanus and Co. I think such vaccines are extremely useful.

9 months ago

I’m leaving the day I first had symptoms. That’s where I tested myself. You mean it plays a role, how long the infection is in the body. But why didn’t the quick tests react? 2 possible options: virus load too low or test no longer works. But can tell you, immediately after the result of the PCR test, there was a quick test that was positive and not only weak, but the lines were really thick. I have comparative values regarding the CT value because I know enough people who are vaccinated or even boostered and whose CT values were “lower”, meaning that their virus load was higher than mine. From a CT value of 30 or 35, you probably are no longer contagious, I’ve heard. Mine was in the middle 20th range up to 30, the day the PCR test was made. And on the subject of course: It was like a normal flu, so a mild course with quite normal flu symptoms. Half a day fever, headaches, chills, what you know. Later, even lighter stench, coughs and temporary loss of odor and taste were added, but this did not last too long. Then we come to the topic of vaccination: my colleague had a heart muscle inflammation right after his vaccination. After a certain time, this became better. When he was boosted, he had strange problems with his heart again. It’s just an example I can call you.

9 months ago

Because a PCR test was carried out with me,

That wasn’t the question. The question was how you want to know that your virus load was “lesser than the many woobsters.”

And on the first day of the infection I’ve already done several quick tests that were all negative.

Then on the 3rd day

How do you know what the first day of infection is? And how it was the third day?

Because it is always automatically closed,

That means you don’t have any comparative values, you just think and claim that it is.

that the vaccination is an all remedy. but it is not

You didn’t say that, and that’s not her. However, it reduces the risk of serious events, death, and especially if it is “fresh” the risk of contagion and transfer by a multiple.

I know enough people who have repercussions about it and regret having inoculated.

Severe side effects after vaccination are extremely rare. Significantly rarer than side effects after a Covid disease.

9 months ago

How do I know? Because a PCR test was carried out with me, it’s easy. And on the first day of the infection I’ve already done several quick tests that were all negative. The next day, again negative. Then on the 3rd day the PCR test was made. The day after that, I knew I was positive for COVID-19. And why do I mention that my virus burden is lower than some vaccinated? Because it is always automatically concluded that vaccination is an all-healing agent. She’s not. I know enough people who have repercussions about it and regret having inoculated.