Hasen urlaub?
Hey, ich würde gerne Hasen haben, allerdings meinen meine Elter, dass sie stinken. Stimmt das wenn man sie außen hält? Außerdem fahren wir in den Sommer Ferien immer ca. 3 Wochen weg und haben leider niemanden der auf sie aufpassen könnte und Tierpension(weiß nicht genau wie es heißt, wollen sie nicht zahlen.) Habt ihr vielleicht eine Idee?
They don’t stink if you don’t keep them right.
But if you have no one for the holiday season, you cannot get pets. Rabbits are very area-related – you can’t just give them away somewhere.
You need someone who looks past you at least twice a day.
You can also keep rabbits well outside, however, the purchase, like building a rabbit-friendly goat, is not just simple or very cheap as you have to consider a lot.
And on holiday you need someone the min. 1x a day the water bowl refreshes and cleanses, feeds and they need to be cleaned and for the cold seasons you also have to consider a lot.
But if you don’t have anyone who can watch them and retire already fails, there is not much that speaks for a rabbit’s attitude, especially since your parents are likely to sit at most costs, even a good pet doctor is not exactly cheap and therefore they have the greatest right to speak, especially as pets always become a family affair.
They don’t smell. I don’t know why they say that. Well, there’s some zodiac or neighbors, maybe? And because of pet board, now yes you can go to work and pay for yourself