Hasen bei silvester?
Hallöchen, ich bin seit mehr als 1 Jahr stolze Zwerg-Kaninchen Besitzerin und wollte fragen wie es mit Silvester aussieht also ob die des ab haben können mit diesen Knallern oder ob ich irgendwas machen kann, z.b. rein holen für die nacht oder so, Jetzt kommt wieder die frage „ja aber wenn du sie doch 1 jahr schon hast, haben sie bei dir doch schonmal 1 Silvester miterlebt“ nein haben sie nicht, wir waren letztes jahr aufm schiff über Silvester und habe den Nachbarn den Auftrag gegeben sich um sie zu kümmern, jetzt wird natürlich die nächste frage kommen „warum fragst du nicht deine Nachbarn was sie gemacht haben“ sie sind mittlerweile weg gezogen, und hab die Handy Nummer nicht von denen, ich weiss nicht ob ich mir einfach zu viel stress mache aber will auch nicht dass die da n Herzinfarkt kriegen.
If they are healthy and munter, the probability is low that they will die. If it’s very scary rabbits, it could be quite. Please don’t get in any case, that would make things worse because they’re in another environment and don’t know, that can lead to panic. Rabbits are very territorial animals. And in addition, the stark temperature difference from the apartment and outside is so high, the rabbits are not used to the heat that no health damage is produced. You can cover the cradle a bit, but not complete, so they can still get air. Always offer a lot of fresh food for employment. But in general, care for a lot of employment and distraction. stay longer with the rabbits than usual so they can realize you’re with them. You can talk to them calmly, with a gentler voice. In no case can you get excited, hectic or anxious, which is transferred to your animals.
Greetings, I hope I could help you
Don’t get them in! The difference in temperature is too great! You don’t have to worry. I always give them a lot of hay and fodder and mixed up to make them comfortable. I’ll see them every hour. They’re out there with thunderstorms.
Come on to the rabbits I’d say my rabbits stayed out there because they didn’t really disturb that.
There would probably have been a more stressful change of the environment, but I would also say that with 90% of the cases the rabbits inside are better off
That must be the rabbit. The Wild Rabbits and Rabbits are also out and do not die through the Böllerrei.
Hey, I have 18 rabbits myself…
That’s why I can totally understand you, the last year they were out with us, because that’s too many we can take them even if it’s for a night…
If you have 1-3 rabbits or so I would recommend you to take them in, but I don’t think what would happen.
In the case of rabbits one must always be cautious because, unfortunately, they die very often.
So when I had some more, we brought them in to silvester and then looked after them again and again to calm them down a bit.
Hope your rabbits will survive everything well!
Hey, rabbits don’t die very fast.
But whoever you’ll get back to the apartment should never get to the apartment!!
The temperature difference is so high before all now in winter with their winter fur. That’s a reason for death.
So always leave outside or do it in a garage or something.