Hase hat plötzlich schiefen Kopf was ist das?
Hallo und zwar habe ich seit 6 Jahren Hasen und einer von beiden hat plötzlich einen schiefen Kopf. Er hat auch Probleme mit den Zähnen was alle 4-6 Wochen korrigiert werden muss. Die ganzen Jahre war alles ok und plötzlich hält er seinen Kopf nur noch schief. Ich hab mal von der schiefkopf Krankheit gehört aber dachte es wäre angeboren. Er wirkt auch nicht so als hätte er schmerzen. Er frisst, trinkt und hüpft normal. Da Weihnachten ist können wir bis Montag erst mal nicht zum Tierarzt weil diese nur Notfälle aufnehmen. Weiß jemand was das sein könnte? Er kann seinen Kopf aber auch für kurze Zeit gerade stellen. Er ist nur beim hüpfen schief. (Rasse zwergwidder)
One of my rabbits makes ds too. It’s up to me that she just has an eye.
But I would still go to the veterinarian such head can also be connected with E.Cuniculiin. It could also be another disease.
I’d have a veterinarian to explain it.
LG and good improvement 🐇
While everyone here immediately thinks of EC for head shading; I’m thinking about an ear infection here in a ram rabbit!
My ram rabbit also had an ovitis, which was detected quite late. In such stories, a crooked head is not unusual! This is also seen by the fact that a cheek has been raised, as the rabbit pulls the muscles together because of the pain.
I can advise you to go to the vet very soon. Finally, a crooked head is always signs of an advanced disease.
Make sure you go to a pet animal doctor. These are often found in animal clinics. On my rabbit was gedoked for so long and even Cortisone was used (cannabines should not get cortisone!). It saves money and, above all, helps the rabbit faster if you go directly to the rabbit-in-law veterinarian. In my rabbit, the ear infection was detected so late that only one surgery helped. And this also brings some risks.
Mine once had something similar, his head was also wrong. In addition, he fell to the left on the page, which was about e. cuniculi. Let me explain this if your illness would have been treated.
Immediately visit a TA, even if emergency services only exist.
The sooner it is recognized, the sooner you can treat it. The longer you wait and hesitate, the worse it gets. If there’s nothing more to be done, the animal must be slain!
I had rabbits myself and 2 had to be redeemed from the TA he could not do anything.
The emergency service is not responsible. He’s just doing the best. A rabbit, which really has EC, needs comprehensive advice.
The emergency service can also determine this and also treat it.It does not heat0t for free NOTDIENST! and has nothing to do with the “most necessary” . I had to bring my rabbits there because of EC because it showed up at 2 overnight. one he could save with antibiotics injection. Had to get one 7 times each day, survived. It had to feed for some time, but it didn’t matter. In the Mixer 2 carrots to porridge, some pear juice and a drop of honey are processed to it, there says no Langohr no:-), at least mine not. The second was already so strong that it died next night. The symtomes could also be saved early enough. Anibiotika splashes every day. In the males, most of the long ears do not taste the caps literally. So just the Piekser stays in the fur.
Thank you. We were at the emergency service and it turned out that it really is EC. We’ve got to cut our candies off now, because our others have nothing. The doctor thinks in the next 3-5 days it turns out if he will. He also got a syringe and has to pick up again and again in 2 days. We also have to give him 1ml of a drug every day. I didn’t know that there was this disease thanks again 🙏🏼
that belongs immediately in veterinary treatment. Could be Ec.