Harten Schneeball gegen den Hinterkopf gekriegt?
Ich (M/14) habe vor 2 Stunden in der Schulpause einen harten Schneeball voll gegen den Hinterkopf gekriegt. Er hat ziemlich getroffen und ich war auch kurzzeitig benommen.
Nun ja, nun hab ich ständig Kopfschmerzen, Schwindel und irgendwie schmerzen im Ohr. Zudem habe ich so einen Druck im Gesicht.
Ist das gefährlich? Ich dachte zuerst ich hab einen Stein gegen den Hinterkopf gekriegt 😭
Is your head in any place blue or swollen?
If yes, a fracture would come into question, but there would be much worse pain
I would recommend you wait and watch first, if it is not better tomorrow, go to the doctor/emergence.
If the pain is getting worse today and you feel it as unbearable, go to the emergency room with your parents
All right!
Swollen no, just hurt
The symptoms you describe, like headaches, dizziness and blurred vision, could indicate a slight concussion, especially if you were briefly annoyed. Even if you could tend to increase concern as a hypochonder, it would be advisable to consult a doctor to exclude possible serious injuries. Brain shocks should always be monitored professionally, especially when symptoms such as dizziness and visual disorders persist.
Private to the doctor goes bad :/
I’d go to the doctor.
Possible concussion. To the doctor
Immediately to school and then to the doctor…
Go to the doctor!
Were you with the school nurses?
I’m a school ambassador, what should you do? In addition, the doctor has
I’d go to the hospital for two hours now, and if that hasn’t changed so far, someone should look at it.
Get back in. He obviously didn’t vomit.
Infallible remote diagnosis!
It’s best to go to the doctor with your mother and let that go.
The pediatrician has already