Harry Potter gucken ohne geld bezahlen?
Hi, ich bin 13 und LIEBE Harry Potter und wollte es letztens nochmal anschauen. Hab dann aber festgestellt, dass es auf Amazon Prime Video Geld kostet und wo anderes es Harry Potter gar nicht gibt. Wisst ihr wo man das gucken kann?
Wait, in the fall time, so around Halloween it will come back on TV, has always been so.
At the same time around Halloween and Christmas, it will probably be available again at Prime for free.
If you want to watch it again and again, buy the DVD, because digitally you only have a license that has lost RTL Plus, for example. Record as an alternative when it is shown on TV.
This really only helps to buy the DVDs. You’ll get them for a mock price. Can you wish for Christmas or if you have your birthday before or you buy it from your pocket money? Then you can see them as often as you want (at least if you have a DVD player)
Waiting is normal on TV. It’s always repeated.
Easier said than done
No, that’s just as easy. :
So this is in life if you don’t want to pay,is a good lesson for you.
Then I have to wait
Hope you’ve seen it – they’ve all been back on the free TV this time in Sat.1. All parts. And also fantastic animals. Sat1 or also Pro7 repeat the constantly. Or you can make a DVD box. For example, the films are often in good used condition for the “usual suspects” sales or resale portals, e.g. because someone prefers to get the films on BD that has on hard drive or knows the films in and out. Or you wish them for Christmas…
On Netflix it was free. But I don’t know if it’s still running there because I don’t have a Netflix anymore.
It’s been a long time.
If I bought the DVDS on the flea market or on classifieds, you get them very cheap.