Harley Davidson mit 20? Ruf?

Das Alter der Harleyfahrer geht ja von bis. Aber denke mal 65% tendieren zum älteren Schlag. Wie kommt ein 20 Jähriger auf einer chopper rüber? (Trainiert (Breit) und etwas tattoowiert)

Image? Wie kommt ein 20 Jähriger mit einer Harley an? Interessiert mich mal 🙂

Ist es was für das Alter oder lieber die Sportler? 😀

Danke LG!

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4 years ago

Drive what’s coming to you.

I’ve already been driving “Alt-Herren-BMW” with 20. Today I still drive them, and now the name is also true:D

I always liked the boxer and the GS anyway. So why do you drive an unquenched sportsman?

4 years ago

Earlier, chopper were driven mainly by younger ones. Nowadays, the clientele has changed due to prices and trends towards sports machines and sumos to the older semester. That doesn’t mean you’re being looked at. If you buy ne sportster or ne softail slim, it’s more like an Electra glide

4 years ago

Subsequent: I sometimes felt lost at 23 when it comes to “cirity”. You can see that the average age is high and that it is partly a certain blow human. At some point, I took distance from meeting/organizations and rather drove with my wife (who had one at that time) than with any guy who always try to overrun

4 years ago

If your style is. I’m not that old yet, and I’m driving Bobber

4 years ago

Good morning Jonas00082,

“Harley” has nothing to do with age, rather with the purse and also with “how” it is fun to “drive”.

A Harley ride is something different, like a “race machine”. These drivers enjoy the speed. The Harley driver prefers to drive “mooth” – not bored – enjoys the environment, the views, places much on the appearance of the Harley.

It should be the most important thing you like and not what others mean.

D u drive with it, you find this great what others think should not play a role.

Buy the machine you like.

No one drives something he doesn’t want, just because any people think this would depend on age.

With age or athlete as you mean, it has nothing to do. Nobody sits on a Harley who’s older because he’s unsportable.

It’s a passion.

One prefers Harleys, others prefer “Rasantes”.

So don’t let you join and “hol” You do what you like and do not depend on other people. These often react “others” because they tend to your “mate”.


4 years ago

A chopper or cruiser radiates serenity, not few are looking for exactly that in the hectic burn-out society.

At 20, you’ll look interesting to all the cases. And you’re not considered a lawn.

I’d rather look at another brand. Triumph e.g. So ne Bobber or Bonneville is significantly cheaper and also “stylish”.

4 years ago

zillakami likes to wear it and the vintage items are also cool. may it drive but no harley

4 years ago

zillakami likes to wear harleys?

4 years ago

I think it’s great. There is nothing against it 😀