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2 years ago

A guitar is not a guitar. Looks similar and someone who plays guitar can learn to play on it quickly.

But it is a) much smaller and especially b) differently tuned than a guitar and therefore not suitable for learning the guitar play.

2 years ago

If there is no “children’s guitar”, nothing would be for me and other purists; either guitar or uke.

A similar tenacity could also be between Banjo and 6-string guitar with drumfell ceiling. Here diligent musicians also take a banjo with 4 or 5 strings and additionally about a Dobro.

2 years ago

1/8 means that it only has the (Korpus)size of an eightel ggü of a 1/1 guitar. If you want to start with guitar, that’s not a thing. Because the mood (A/D/G/C/E/A) deviates from the correct guitar (E/A/D/G/B/E). In your price class, I would rather something take. By what, I’d prefer the visit to a store to shipping, because then you know what to take home. Especially with guitars, every instrument is different.

2 years ago

This is a children’s guitar, something for the (almost) very small ones.

2 years ago
Reply to  Basstom

Blödin, Ukes are also anything but toys!

2 years ago
Reply to  hoermirzu

Concert guitar in 1/8 size

… is the description of Thomann. Sure, Ukulelen are not specially made for children, but the questioner wanted to know if the part is a good guitar. Neither Guitarlele nor Ukulele fall into the category guitars for me. And 1/8 guitars are either what for people who like it small and compact, or for children. Apparently, the questioner was not aware of what it had with the 1/8. So I assume that a normal guitar is more sought.