Harley Benton GL-2NT Guitarlele Bundle Harley Benton?
Is this a good beginner guitar
And what does this 1/8 mean
Is this a good beginner guitar
And what does this 1/8 mean
Wants to impress women with it.
Hey! Does anyone know any piano pieces that perhaps aren't well-known but are nevertheless beautiful? They could also be more modern pieces (e.g., something lesser-known by Yann Tiersen, etc.). LG m15
Hello there, Does anyone have any idea where one can rehearse with an instrument? I sometimes see something like rehearsal rooms on YouTube or in series. Is it more common at schools with music and universities or is it like that? Do you have any idea where one could rehearse? I play a duo with…
All my friends who are metal fans are suddenly listening to Baby Metal. Why do they all suddenly like it? Okay, Korn every now and then in metal music is okay, but Baby Metal?
Hello, I'm looking for high-quality yet affordable acoustic guitars. Perhaps someone here has a few good guitars they can recommend. Thanks in advance! P.S. I've been playing guitar for a while, so I don't need any recommendations for beginner guitars! 😀
I saw a 5-year-old boy on YouTube who can already play really well. I'm assuming he started at 4. Can you become a top drummer in just a year?
A guitar is not a guitar. Looks similar and someone who plays guitar can learn to play on it quickly.
But it is a) much smaller and especially b) differently tuned than a guitar and therefore not suitable for learning the guitar play.
If there is no “children’s guitar”, nothing would be for me and other purists; either guitar or uke.
A similar tenacity could also be between Banjo and 6-string guitar with drumfell ceiling. Here diligent musicians also take a banjo with 4 or 5 strings and additionally about a Dobro.
1/8 means that it only has the (Korpus)size of an eightel ggü of a 1/1 guitar. If you want to start with guitar, that’s not a thing. Because the mood (A/D/G/C/E/A) deviates from the correct guitar (E/A/D/G/B/E). In your price class, I would rather something take. By what, I’d prefer the visit to a store to shipping, because then you know what to take home. Especially with guitars, every instrument is different.
This is a children’s guitar, something for the (almost) very small ones.
Blödin, Ukes are also anything but toys!
… is the description of Thomann. Sure, Ukulelen are not specially made for children, but the questioner wanted to know if the part is a good guitar. Neither Guitarlele nor Ukulele fall into the category guitars for me. And 1/8 guitars are either what for people who like it small and compact, or for children. Apparently, the questioner was not aware of what it had with the 1/8. So I assume that a normal guitar is more sought.