Hard disk 2Tb wird im PC nicht erkannt?
und zwar habe ich ein Problem das mein Harddisk nicht erkannt wird auch wenn ich im Manager Einstellung Suche finde ich keinen neuen Datenträger alles ist auch richtig eingesteckt worden.Was sollte ich tun?
Is she running? Put your hand on it and feel if it moves and has temperature.
Hello thank you for the answer yes she runs and is also shown in the BIOS
In Computer Management -> Disk Management -> Looking for a disk that has not yet been formatted?
If the HDD runs and Windows does not recognize the HDD, you have 90% security for the HDD a stability problem…
You can try to clone the HDD with Linux and dd_rescue if this doesn’t work out then it’s a case for a prof. data savior. We make such data recovery from EUR 199.
When it comes to the HDD itself and not the data then you can check with the SMART value as the state of the HDD is however 90% that will be a case for the electric scrap.
You could do that in Linux with the demo version of r-Studio!
What does the device manager say? Is she at least listed there? Is she recognized in the BIOS?
By the way, finally learn how to make screenshots.
Hello thank you for the answer she is shown in the BIOS, sorry next time I make a real one!