

Ich bin bin 16 Jahre

alt und habe vor 2 Wochen das erste mal lsd konsumiert nach dem wir es eingenommen haben haben wir gekifft davon wahr ich echt sehr high aber nach 2 Stunden hatte ich immer noch keine Wirkung vom lsd keine optics einfach high also haben wir beschlossen noch 150 mg ectasy dazu zu konsumieren doch ich hatte keine lust erst zu warten bis das teil wirkt also hab ich noch ketamin gezogen wo dann 10 min später komplett haluziniert habe in dem Abend haben wir bestimmt mindestens 5 mal gekifft bestimmt 5 gramm oder mehr

Hatte nach circa 4 stunden glaube einen bad trip es hat sich alles schlecht angefühlt keine lust mehr auf alles alles wahr schlecht keine lsd optics mehr und traurig das ging dann den ganzen abend so bis wir dann nochmal 1 g geraucht haben da ging es dann für circa 2 stunden später ging es wieder schlecht

Jezt zu meinem Problem jezt immer wen ich kiffe habe ich optics der Boden bewegt sich und es sieht mein handy total 3d und so weiter und wen ich gekifft habe hab ich jezt immer grose Pupillen (keine teller) aber sehr auffällig gros bin ich Hängen geblieben oder was kann der Grund sein für die optics

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Thomas Richter
6 months ago

From a professional point of view, I would advise you immediately to search for a search counselling center and look at what really moves you to take drugs and break your body. The possible damages may accompany you for a lifetime…

There are many counselling points in this country, mostly it is also relatively fast with an appointment – if you are motivated to change what is happening in your life. You have to make this decision for yourself if you are satisfied with your life as it is and is running, and if you want people on your hand who support you on your way. And this is also U18, there are also appropriate places for this!

If you want to do this: Think about the “safer use”, it also means avoiding mixing consumption, as these substances alone are not only harmful, but can have unpredictable effects if you combine them with other substances. Everyone who also takes drugs and has taken the wrong combination.

If your complaints are not absent, I would consult a doctor at your place and report to him to minimize long-term risks. You should also do without any drugs until the symptoms have expired!

The doctor may also recommend you to find a way out of consumption, you could think about what you really want in life by then.

I still wish you good improvement and hope that you will be better soon!

6 months ago

Hi. You obviously have a serious problem with drugs – you already feel significant changes with you. I would honestly address this with a doctor… unfortunately, in school I had two classmates who lived that similar to you and the gymnasium slipped into homelessness. Jump off as long as you can.

6 months ago

Of course you’re stuck, otherwise you wouldn’t drag addiction constantly. let yourself in and go into detoxification. otherwise you are lying in nem half year 1,80 deep

6 months ago
Reply to  Kroati61

are you already in the psychiatric?

6 months ago

then let yourself in again. you did not understand

6 months ago

The JADE is waiting for you.

Hmm, what’s the reason, could be your drug addiction. If you continue to break your brain, you will not be able to create anything independently. Please, you’re 16 and no more baby, remember.

6 months ago

Hello, if you get to you, LSD, Ecstasy and Ketamin at the same time, then you’ll be dead soon.

LG AdvanPadawan

6 months ago

Can be flashbacks or you have developed HPPD through the mix.