Handyvertrag trotz Schufa Eintrag möglich?
Habe leider einen Schufa Eintrag kassiert. Ist es möglich trotzdem einen neuen Handyvertrag zu machen (Anbieter o2)? Wollte sichergehen bevor ich meinen bestehenden Vertrag kündige
Habe leider einen Schufa Eintrag kassiert. Ist es möglich trotzdem einen neuen Handyvertrag zu machen (Anbieter o2)? Wollte sichergehen bevor ich meinen bestehenden Vertrag kündige
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Weil man kann ihnen in Internet gegebenen Nummern nicht erreichen.
The “safe” is problematic as there is no guarantee of a new contract.
But why don’t you just try to complete a new contract and cancel the existing one in the event of a new contract?
If it does not work with the new contract, prepaid is an alternative.
Hey, Romeomustdie1,
that unfortunately all providers decide for themselves according to their own criteria without greater transparency.
Here is a table for the Schufa information of the providers:
You might be able to contact your desired provider and ask for further information.
o2 is part of Telefónica, which uses “Schufa data to supplement in relevant places” as well as “internal data”. For example, if you already had an o2 contract and everything went smoothly there, you could have good chances.
If this is a single negative entry, I personally do not think that you would be rejected, but I can only guess that now.
Alternative: A Prepaid SIM Card
I wish you good luck with your new contract!
Thanks for the info!
For the most part, I went smoothly with the existing contract. The invoice was paid only 1-2 weeks later. Got only one entry in the debt register, but it is quite high.
The alternative prepaid card also came to my mind. However, I consider a full contract with new phone as the most worthwhile variant.
Hope the customer hotline can tell me more
You can try. But you could get prepaid cards.