Handy in Sauna kaputt?
Gehe heute abend auf eine Geburtstagsfeier und da haben wir auch eine Sauna an der location. Meine Frage: gehen Handys von den Temperaturen drinnen kaputt?
Ist keine Textil Sauna falls das ein Unterschied mit der Temperatur macht.
in the sauna cabin you do not take a phone, ebook or something. If you don’t bear the silence, you should look for other ways.
And yes – the electronics are not designed for such temperatures. would be possible that this is broken.
Never mind!
Sauna = relaxation
If you need a phone in the sauna, you better stay out there.
You don’t go through a dormitory with a rattle…
It was about the musiksteueru.g
a sauna is a bad place for mobile phones. The high temperature is one. This isn’t good for the phone. The other is the high humidity. That’s only really critical.
Apart from the fact that phones are inappropriate within the sauna cabin, even if you do not photograph what is strictly forbidden.
Handies normally turn off or go into a saving mode when the battery reaches certain temperatures. This can also be done with direct sunlight and summer heat.
The moisture doesn’t matter, modern phones are water-protected or even waterproof.
In fact, the device is heated in dry heat but rather slowly, so it is not broken when you take it in briefly. The best way to wrap in towel, then it also survives the whole sauna cycle, makes us the infusion sometimes when he plays music with a Bluetooth speaker while infusion.
Probably it will show quite fast that it is overheated and turn off. You will hold the 15 minutes without your phone
Sure I make 15 without handy💀 I just broke it to control the music
I wouldn’t take a cell phone into the sauna, that’s wrong. When you’re naked and at the temperatures in the sauna, the phone is broken. A cell phone should not be exposed to more than 50C.
The phone is locked in the wardrobe. There it is safe and also protected from theft. In the sauna and in the rest rooms, mobile phones are forbidden anyway, a sauna is supposed to be a room for relaxation and tranquility, as ringing noises and telephone calls disturb, as well as preventing tensioners from taking photos of naked sauna guests.
It is a private sauna only for us in the middle of the forest. I just needed it for music
Then it’s broken with absolute certainty. Only option: Only one speaker without temperature-sensitive plastic parts lead into the sauna, cable outside and leave the music source outside.
I wouldn’t do it. First of all, a very high airtightness inside and the temperature he surely also likes ned.
Mobile phones are forbidden in public saunas.
In private downs, temperatures and humidity are not exactly compatible with the technology of a mobile phone.
Electronics and damp air have never been a good combination.
No one needs a phone in the sauna.
If so, it already has addiction potential and is therefore worrying.
It was about making music
It doesn’t matter what you want to do with your phone in the sauna. It will give up his mind very quickly.
Sauna visits also serve to relax.
There is no need for music.
With quiet jazz music it was better than without
With a phone in the sauna is an unding. The humidity is too high. It could break.
No one takes his phone to the sauna area.
Why would you take a phone to the sauna?
Sauna is a bad place for a phone. Leave in the bag.
Why do you have to take a phone to the sauna?