Handy am Flughafen vergessen- wie abholen?


ich habe mein Handy im Flugzeug in Warschau vergessen und habe die Airline kontaktiert. Die haben mir gesagt, ich kann das selbst abholen oder DHL beantragen. Leider komme ich aus Köln und kann in der nächsten Zeit nicht nach Wrschau fliegen. Welche Möglichkeit bleibt mir da? Kann ich eventuell am Flughafen in Deutschland das Fundbüro kontaktieren und vllt gibt es eine Möglichkeit das Handy nach Deutschland zu bringen? Ohne mein Handy bin ich leider sehr eingeschränkt.

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6 months ago

This message is far too late, but perhaps it is useful for someone else.
I was the same. I left my phone in Lisbon in the plane.
There is a Lost and Found Station where the phone was released. However, so late that I would not have reached my connecting flight.
At home the same day I called UPS and I filled out the form online together with a nice employee. As a sending country, Portugal must be pure and not Germany and as a sender this company Lost and Found with address from the airport. The recipient then, of course, me. So again: right at the beginning enter the other country as if you were still abroad and not Germany.
The UPS driver who is supposed to pick it up at the airport must have the following documents to pick up the phone: Boarding Pass, copy of my ID, to be allowed to take a power of attorney to my phone in reception. But I couldn’t add any of these documents. This lady then didn’t know any more and connected me to a colleague who had no peil and just laid up. I called the UPS hotline again, and they didn’t mean anything. But the company is in Lisbon. I have now sent it to the Custumer Service of UPS with all the data and the address sticker by mail, as well as to the Lost and Found an email and hope….

6 months ago
Reply to  123Petra123

Small supplement:
The whole thing only works when someone packs the packet there.
If this is not done, as in my case, it looks bad. Neither UPS nor DHL take unpacked goods. The ones from Lost and Found refuse to put the phone in a box and stick my label to it that I sent by mail.

1 year ago

Make a pickup order with a parcel service provider. I don’t know if DHL does that (internationally). At TNT or UPS, that’s all right. Don’t forget to call the airline or write an e-mail with the broadcast number so that it can be glued to the pack.

At TNT, I know that goes through the online portal (if you have a customer number). You can enter the delivery and pick-up address and multiple email addresses that are notified. In the end, you will get a PDF that you can send on so that it is printed and attached to the pack.

1 year ago

No, they’re not gonna put the phone behind you…

Let it be sent to you by DHL and be glad that it was given.

1 year ago

Request DHL.

You have the answer to yourself supplied.