Handy akku?
Mein Akku geht in letzter Zeit sehr schnell leer und ich weiß das es mit der Kälte zu tuen hat doch ich will mir einen neuen einbauen lassen der Zustand ist bei 70% und es ist ein IPhone 11, nun meine Frage. Wo geht das tauschen am günstigsten??
The question is how much mAh has the battery and how much do you wait in front of the phone?
So under 5000 mAh you can actually forget then the battery is generally too small a new battery you can forget.
I used a 9600 mAh battery cell phone and it runs 12 hours with display on live stream and only 60 to 70% battery in 12 hours.
In older mobile phones the batteries are simply so small for the operating time of mobile phones and you often need to be charged with the cold weather it has little to do because so cold it is not yet yet
Where I see how much mAh my phone has😅
You need to google your mobile model and look at the technical data.
Make it weird. If you have to go to the 11’s, there are many tutorials on YouTube. If you have to buy a set for 30–40 Euro, you can google.