Handlungsstrang The Eminence in Shadow?
Ich bin nun bei der zweiten staffel episode 4 von the eminence in Shadow, aber ich muss gestehen, ich verstehe nicht so ganz die Handlungen. Warum ist er auf einmal in der gesetzlosen Stadt? Wieso trifft er sich immer im Zug mit der “neun-schwänzigen-Füchsin” und redet über Geld? Im Internet finde ich keine guten Erklärung. Ich hoffe ich finde hier antworten ihr könnt auch gerne spoilern. Ich danke für eure Zeit
This is with the lawless city because the sister
1. Sauer on Sid was that he did not see the finale of the Bunshin Festival that she won
Two. he often went away when she visited him (Brocon stop)
3. she is worried about his future and wanted to train him in the lawless city at a certain knight group
The train is a random place to make secret shops to get money. (New Business Partner) (As a Revenue to Shadow Garden who used his knowledge to open business/banks)
He doesn’t know that his entire group (Shadow Garden) generates money for him, because he doesn’t think it belongs to him.
He wants to keep up with the wrong money, generate real money and break the banking system (as revenge) in order to build it up independently (so that he becomes rich and can present himself as a savior for his girls)
Behold he is an Edge-Lord and does not know that his lies are actually truths