Händler hat mich gelogen?
Hallo, ich habe eine Auto beim Autohändler gekauft, er sagt das es mit neue tüv aber bis zwei Monate muss ich noch mal untersuchen lassen und paar Sachen reparieren. Händler hat mir gesagt das muss ich nicht, ich kann fahren ohne Probleme. Was kann ich machen?
This is the mistake: Generally speaking, in the case of contracts, so that even in the case of purchase contracts, oral commitments do not count – everything must be written and made out by both contractors with place, date and signature.
Take a closer look at the car. As you know, you learn most from mistakes. If you prove what strange agreements you have discussed orally, a serious undertaking becomes.
Bring him back the car. I hope you have this in writing or oral with witnesses.
What’s in the purchase agreement?
I haven’t made a purchase deal with that, I made a deposit and he gave me paper and then I read at home that this new tüv is made but there are few things to repair and he didn’t even talk about that, I asked him a hundred times and answer was always all good
So it applies the TÜV appointment that stands on the plaque and in the vehicle license if the TÜV is new is the next appointment in 2 years.
And if he’s in two months, the dealer lied to you.
Show someone who can read and understand the papers and take the if necessary to the dealer.