Handgepäckskoffer jeweils 1 cm zu groß?
Hey, da ich bald verreise und zwar Economy fliege aber einen kleinen Handgepäckskoffer mitnehmen will wollte ich mal fragen, ob da so genau auf die Größe geachtet wird? Denn ich wollte mir einen neuen zulegen, doch ich finde nur kleine Koffer die in der Länge und Breite jeweils 1 cm zu groß für die Fluggesellschaft sind. Denkt ihr das macht ein Problem? Oder soll ich lieber auf Nummer sicher gehen?
Let me say that:
The brand airlines are regularly quite tolerant, I wouldn’t bet on the cheap flyers, such things are partly their business model, which can cost easily 50 € or more.
I fly with quatar and Emirates
These are one of the brand airlines – relying on the tolerating, but you cannot compell.
Sorry Qatar
I’d risk it. If it doesn’t fit, I take a few straps and make the suitcase 1cm smaller in front of her eyes. Then it should fit.
Get your phone in your hand and call the hotline.
You’ll find out. Not all airlines are the same.
No good idea – they will at best show between the lines what is going, officially they will never admit that…
And then any anonymous specialist tells you something. Then what?
Which airline are you flying? The low-cost flyers are more compulsive.
Emirates (long-haul flight)
At Emirates, I would rather assume that 1cm is not the big deal.