Handgepäck und Handtasche? Wizzair
Wir fliegen bald los und da frage ich mich ob ich zu dem Handgepäck noch zusätzlich eine Handtasche bei mir tragen kann… Bestimmt ist jemand von euch schonmal mit wizzair geflogen und weiß ob die sowas zulassen ( wir fliegen von Dortmund nach temeswar)
No, this is not allowed in any airline. The law states that you can carry a piece of luggage with you. For security reasons. However, you can hold an object in your hand. for example a book or something. But a handbag is already a baggage.
This is FALSCH, on large airlines, you can use: 1 hand luggage and 1 personal item zb laptop bag or handbag in the cabine.
I’ve read from some people that it’s okay to take a bag. I thought about the question that someone knows about this airline and is sure whether it is possible or not.
Clear JEIN: “Additional handbags, briefcases or laptop bags cannot bring passengers free of charge.” Source: http://flug.check24.de/airlines/wizz-air
So you can bring them, but not free..
Put the handbag in the hand bag!
Look here http://wizzair.com/de-DE/useful_information/baggage