Handelsvertreter auf Selbständiger Basis?
Hallo liebe Community,
ich habe momentan eine Stelle in Aussicht.
Mich würde es interessieren weil ich bisher in einem normalen Angestellten Verhältnis war was in Sachen Steuern etc. auf mich zukommt.
ich agiere für eine Firma mit Fixgehalt und natürlich Provision.
In advance, an important point should help you to consider your interest in a self-employed sales representative more objectively: these clients usually only want to save all social contributions for themselves and you.
That’s why you should have one. self-employed with this possibly. “Scheinstelle” check or check…
Grown siola55
Not only taxes are payable, but all social insurance contributions such as health and care insurance, and pensions etc. you have to pay for yourself.
First you have to register a trade with your local administration! And there it is also checked whether you have the necessary requirements for this industry.
You have to pay income tax and commercial tax at the tax office. Perhaps also sales tax.
Because you don’t have much idea according to your question, you should take a tax advisor to make your tax.
You’re taxing your income for every tax year, quite simply.
Would advise you to find a good tax advisor.