Handelsfachwirt oder Trainee Stellv. Fillialleiter?

Was lohnt sich mehr und was ist höher angesehen? Die Trainee Ausbildung dauert 3 Jahre und der Handelsfachwirt ja weniger aber was bringt nun mehr und ist sicherer?

Kurz zu mir habe eine abgeschlosse Ausbildung zur Einzelhandelskauffrau mit 1,5 Abschluss und insgesamt 5 Jahre Berufserfahrung mit Führungserfahrung.

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1 month ago

A trainee job is “learning on the job”, where you will be prepared for exactly this activity in this company. In an application elsewhere, this is only evaluated as a professional experience, not as a conclusion or similar.

On the other hand, the trade specialist is a generally regulated, recognized degree of further education at DQR 6, i.e. at a level with a master or Bachelor. You thus acquire a higher, formal qualification, which is also considered as such for applications in other companies.

Ideal would actually be to combine both! So to be practically prepared in the job as a trainee for the leadership position and to gain the associated additional experience and to make the specialist in addition to the profession.