Hände zeichnen?

Ich zeichne recht oft Mangas, aber meistens nur Oberkörper. Ich will auch mal versuchen eine Kompletten Charakter zu zeichnen, allerdings weiss ich nicht wie ich die Hände machen soll, ich habe auch schon versucht online Anleitungen zu suchen, aber es wird nie gezeigt wie man die Hände am Körper malt, sondern nur leere Hände. Das bringt mich nicht nicht wirklich weiter.
Danke im Voraus. ;P

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1 year ago

Partially here, he shows a bit of how to draw them on the body, at least to certain


1 year ago
Reply to  Entechleia

I would strongly advise that this can be helpful for experienced artists. How to learn such a feeling for the body…

1 year ago


You can study this by photographing a model (someone from your family, for example) with blossom hands and arms – with T shirt or better a shirt/top in the different poses. Then look at the photos in peace – recording would be possible, at the beginning is also copying and pause legitimate.

Hands and feet are considered challenging subjects – that you have to practice, and exercise made masters. But without diligence and discipline it won’t go.

Anatomy books by Gottfried Bammes are very good – there are at Boesner Reprints of the somewhat older works.



1 year ago

To perfect the mangastil, you need basic knowledge of the anatomy of the body and face. Anime is the simplification of the human body. There is no way to study the body.

I recommend you to draw bodies of real people first, like muscles and bones. Get an anatomy book and draw the human body in its plastic form. To get a feeling

Otherwise, vieeel exercise.

Good luck to you