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I can at least crochet, better than nothing, tried to learn knitting, unfortunately nothing… 😅
MissEinstein 💫
I can crochet and needle binding. With the latter there are stitches that can be confused with knitted. Madelbinder often has the advantage that it does not flute in the case of holes. The disadvantage is that you can only work with short pieces of thread, because you always have to go through the complete end, as in sewing.
Not both. That’s never important to me either. I have always liked books 🙂
Yeah, I like to read.
I have some unread books in my collection.
I can crochet and knit. Sweater or so, I have nix knit + need a guide. And I like things where I’m done quickly!
I’d rather crochet. I used to like fillets crocheted:
For many years I have been happy to haggle Tunisian!
Tuesian Crochet Learning for Beginners – Pattern – Veronika Hug – YouTube
Tunisian crochet – 7-mile pattern in rows – Veronika Hug – YouTube
Such cases for my old phone or for a cordless telephone listener (Mutti and mine) I have already made in Tunisian round:
Tunisian Crochet in Rounds – Veronika Hug
Especially those, in my favorite color turquoise green – direction mint + as 2. grey:
Tunesian Crochet – Bag for iPhone aus hatnut XL – Veronika Hug – YouTube
Tuesian Crochet Learning for Beginners – Pattern with Color Changing – Veronika Hug – YouTube
I also started this closed below + as a cover:
Tuesian Crochet in Rounds – YouTube
Swabian Crochet – Wabenmuster in Runden – YouTube
You see what I love to do + from whom I like guidance!
A beautiful + healthy WE! 🐏🐖🐞🍀🍄
Who changed that?
had I clicked?
I can both
But I like crochets more🧶
In the fifth we had TW lessons 😉
LG Starlight ✨️
It’s enough for a scarf, but it’s not. 🤣
I can both of them, but I haven’t worked for years. I just like crocheting better.
Knitting is so much in me that I need 10min to remember everything.
My mother was a salesman for handicrafts.
That’s how I learned different things in childhood.
I can also embroidery, sew and the basics of art stuffing…
I don’t like hahha
Crochet, knit, spinning, Tunisian crochets
I’ve been doing both since my 10. Year of life.
3 years ago, I knitted pot lobes from self-sponsored and self-twisted wool (smooth)… are almost daily in use and still top in shape… but that was then already with my knitted cunts… 😉