Hand gebrochen bei einem schlag?

Guten Abend ich hatte vor 30 Minuten die diagnose eines Bruches in der hand gekriegt aufgrund von einem schlag auf eine harte Metall Oberfläche und nun wollte ich nach fragen ob es irgendwie schlimm ist und permanente Schäden mit sich ziehen könnte. ( ring finger Knochen in der Mitte der Hand Fläche )

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1 year ago

That’s what the Uncle Doctor could have told you about your injury 1:1. We can only speculate. The hand is anatomically very complex. Now it depends on where and what is broken.

1 year ago

I say so many of the strongest people have already broken my hand earlier than I was in the 8-9 class with the hands in the hallways constantly beaten against gypsum walls and my hands after that have bleeded very strongly I have done this then always so every month in a few times the last thing was in the professional school against a normal wall that has bleeded so much that my finger has been so wide as normal and almost black https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2gkBhN4A9Dw good improvement :=

1 year ago

No, if you’d think of a mica, you’d have surgery.

1 year ago

No one can foresee that.