Hamsterfutter in den USA?

Ich hätte schon seit längerem gerne ein Hamster nur ziehen meine Mutter und ich nächsten Sommer in die USA daher würde ich erst dort mir einen anschaffen. Einrichtungsgegenstände würde ich vorher einfach aus Deutschland mitnehmen (dort gibt’s zwar auch einige Gute bei Amazon zu bestellen aber Mehrkammerhäuser haben dort immer nur drei Kammern) was aber beim Futter wohl aufgrund der Einführungsbestimmungen für Saaten und co. Nicht geht. Daher wollte ich es selbst machen und die Zusammensetzung von bekannten Futtermischungen dafür nehmen.

Mir gibt’s da zwei Probleme:

1. Einige Saaten z.B verschiedene Darisaaten werden bei Amazon zumindest nicht dort verkauft

2. Bei den Futtermischungen wird mir nur das Verhältnis zwischen “normalen” Saaten und Ölsaaten gezeigt aber nicht das genaue Mischverhältnis einzelner Komponente.

Gibt’s dafür Tipps?

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3 years ago

You can definitely get the corresponding seeds there by other means, don’t just give Amazon;)

In fact, you’ll find something more in large organic shops, but what is it?

3 years ago

Also in the USA there are corresponding feed shops (like the feed crowsing here) as with us, you have to look for something. This is an example of a similar food shop as here: https://www.instagram.com/aboveandbelowstore/

3 years ago
Reply to  Bunnylover682

Btw, what I was thinking about – check out Wholefoods! This is a Bio/Locally Sourced etc. shop. They could also have animal-friendly hamster food.

3 years ago
Reply to  Bunnylover682

Please – they don’t have so much choice now, but it’s a start. I didn’t go so intensively. Where there’s a lot of things coming from Etsy, maybe you’ll see. Otherwise you can see YouTube videos from American wildlife holders or you can find the one or the other shop.

3 years ago

Lock in corresponding forums or FB groups. Attention: In the USA, people often have a completely different relationship with animals than in Europe. But at least with ffphr determinations and mixing ratios you will be able to help.

3 years ago
Reply to  Bunnylover682

Yes, this is done but is not the only option, there has also changed a lot in recent years. Do you have the info from Victoria Rachel’s video that the often mix food there I also heard with her time. I wouldn’t let myself be so insecure about hamstering. They also have very good ways to make their hamsters as art-friendly as here. As in Germany, most of them are simply too lazy and tasty.

3 years ago

Go to a zoo. They just like we have the right food varieties that are legal there.

3 years ago
Reply to  Rasenderrolli

Hamster food from the zoo store is scrap. Most of the zoo shops do not have a suitable hamster food but only industrial waste.

3 years ago
Reply to  Rasenderrolli

Most food mixes from zoo shops for Nager are unhealthy…

3 years ago
Reply to  Bunnylover682

If you look like this, you will find suitable food in the USA.

3 years ago

It is not the questioner that the hamster somehow survives, but that he is healthy and naturally fed!

3 years ago

There will be things that your hamster can eat. Sorry, but that there is nothing there and your hamster must starve is simply impossible.

3 years ago

Also in the USA there are some online shops like Nolies has already linked one of them

Change your location at Etsy Mal to the USA and search for hamster food 😉

Tip: HammypalsStore is also offered food from Mixerama and food paradise