Hamster mit dauerhaft nach links geneigtem Kopf?
Als ich vorhin bei dem Zwerghamster meiner Schwester etwas Futter nachfüllen wollte ist mir etwas komisches aufgefallen. Er hält seinen Kopf die ganze Zeit nach links geneigt und läuft dementsprechend auch sehr komisch durch den Käfig. Sonst verhält er sich jedoch noch recht normal, was das Essverhalten, etc. angeht. Ich hoffe ihr könnt mir helfen.
is it a cage?. Then maybe he could have climbed and wounded by a fall. Therefore these animals are not kept in cages. Firstly dangerous, then too small and you can not sprinkle enough there at 30 cm height. Otherwise, it can be a disease, so go to a veterinarian or clinic.
Unfortunately, that can be a lot. stroke occurred first, but it can also be a tumor, an ear infection or even parasites. Or even an injury.
Go as fast as possible to a hamster-skilled veterinarian, not all know each other correctly with hamsters.
Refilling cage and lining sounds for me unfortunately also very much like a not suitable posture. How is he held? What kind of food does he get? Where is he from? Possibly the origin is guilt in the disease (genetics).
stroke, parasites / mites, ear inflammation, neurological damage, …
the list is almost endless, please go with the poor animal to a veterinarian. Best on Monday.
The best thing would be today. Otherwise, I agree.
Right again, have forgotten the emergency service possibility because I thought it was Sunday today. Thanks for the comment!
How big is the cage? What a food gets the animal
I would also type a stroke, is it possible that he fell from a great height? Are the ears all right?
Go to the TA!
Go to the doc with your hamster.