Hamster gestorben, habt ihr getrauert?
Hey, mein Hamster ist letzte Woche am Donnerstag gestorben und seid dem kriege ich sie nicht mehr aus meinem Kopf. Ich weiß nicht. Überall wo ich hinschaue kommen Erinnerungen mit ihr hoch und ich weiß nicht wie ich damit umgehen soll. Sie wurde auch erst am Freitag beerdigt weil ich es nicht wahrhaben wollte das sie nicht mehr da ist. Ihr Terrarium ist mittlerweile auch schon leer und das macht mich noch mehr fertig.
Habt ihr irgendwie Tipps was ich gegen diese Gedanken tuen könnte oder was habt ihr gegen eure Trauer gemacht? Habt ihr überhaupt getrauert?
Lasst es mich gerne wissen!
Hi, I’m sorry, I’ve always been trusted when my guinea pig died. I helped get new beautiful memories, so I did a lot with my friends or did something with someone from my family. Since I was very often thinking about it in the evening, I usually watched a movie to fall asleep, telephoned with a girlfriend until I sleep or stayed with a girlfriend. I hope your mourning will be less. LG
My condolences
I had colored mice who died a couple of months ago and I was also turbulent but then I picked up a hamster and my mourning was almost gone, maybe you should do that too, I would definitely recommend you the color mice that are always very active in the 3 pack and it is very exciting to those too.
Thanks, but I have six new guinea pigs.
I’m sorry for you…because this week also unexpectedly lost my white assessed and also have to fight with the grieving. Wish you a lot of strength and talk the alleviate something
Hello. First of all, my condolences. I had to go through this two times, and only recently is the last one. Unfortunately, she didn’t get very old:(For what it hurt more and I couldn’t even see it because it wasn’t even over a week… It’s always difficult when someone loves dies, and that’s suddenly without knowing. You always have to think she had it good with you. Now she’s in the paradis and waiting for you. It’s okay to think and cry It always helps me to print photos and then put their bowl on a “densing place”, I did this at my first deceased hamster and now her picture+ bowl is next. She motivates me when I look at the picture. She emptied me a lot even though it was just a hamster. At some point, you realized it and accepted it by yourself. Tips are difficult for everyone to die differently:/ As I said, I do this with the commemoration, this is also inspired by you:)
I had to let him go. Yes I was sad, I cried – not so much, but a few tears I crushed. I got myself a new hamster right now – that helped me with the mourning. If my cats were to die, I’d get new ones.
My condolences. When my rabbit died in 2017, I didn’t want to see it. I personally distracted myself with positive and then this deep mourning was relieved. It is still clear that you think of deceased pets for a lifetime. You can do this:)