Hamster beißt durchgehend?

hey ich wollte fragen, warum mein hamster mich wirklich durchgehend stark beißt und mein finger dann nicht los lässt? ich hab sie aus der tierhandlung und ein eigentlich großes Terrarium mit 200x60x60 cm. Auch mein Einstreu ist um die 10 cm hoch und ich hab etliche Verstecke ,ein großes Laufrad genügend Futter, usw. Also alles ziehmlich Tierfreundlich. Außerdem wecke ich sie tagsüber nicht auf und störe sie nicht und sie hatte eigentlich keine schlechten Erfahrungen mit menschen machen müssen. An was kann es liegen??? Muss ich irgendwas verändern?? ist ihr charakter einfach so??? Ich danke schon mal im voraus <3

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3 years ago

How long have you had it? At least a week you should leave them completely alone and then slowly get used to themselves and the hand, with food.

If Hamster bites, this has two reasons: either pain or anxiety/Panik. Knabbern (not really painful) is normal.

So please leave the hamster alone, probably he feels threatened by you, is afraid and wants to chase you out of his territory.

200x60cm sounds great! However, a hamster needs at least 25-30cm of digging. It’s not a problem at a height of 60cm. But don’t change now, leave alone, then change, then leave alone.

I can’t judge the other side.

3 years ago
Reply to  nejii164

Then I’d just leave her alone and just watch, that’s the best for her. There are hamsters that will never really be tamed…

3 years ago

My hamster did this sometimes.

I recommend that you take your hands a little bit in the sprinkle to your hamster with this a familiar smell and that you look that you have no hand cream or other things on your hands, otherwise he still thinks you are something to eat.


3 years ago

Most likely the character, some hamsters do not like human hands (most; but I always had to jz who found it okay). But how long have you been? Maybe she needs time to get used up? It’s best not to put in the cage. Oh and 10cm Scatter are unfortunately too little best 30cm at dwarves also goes 20-25 cm clear:)