Hämorrhoiden Grad 1?
Ist es üblich das man schon im ersten Grad ab und zu sichtbares Blut im Stuhl hat (nicht auf Papier) oder reicht Grad 1 dafür noch nicht. Es ist nicht viel und nicht bei jedem Stuhlgang. Ich bin 18 muss ich dann trotzdem Darmspiegelung machen oder kann man das Blut auf die Hämorrhoiden schieben? Bild würde hier gesperrt werden es ist nicht viel aber eher rot-schleimiges Blut habe auch vor allem das Bedürfnis Darmkrebs ausschließen zu können
Yes with high probability you can exclude colon cancer – here a gastrointestinal level would be useful.
Hemorrhage degree 1 can be treated well with ointment – but degree 2 more rubber treatment
So first calm down? It’s better than I didn’t have any hemorrhoids that could explain the blood in the chair. Intestinal reflection I probably only have an appointment at the end of the year
Yeah, calm down first. Hemorrhoids have almost everyone.
IMPORTANT that the blood is fresh and bright red. Then this is a sign for hemorrhoids — if the blood is dark or black this would be a very bad sign.
First “good” and signs for hemorrhoids
Intestinal mirroring only starts from the age of 50. At 18, however, hemorrhages are bitter.
Better than colon cancer
You can also get a bowel replication at a young age with a corresponding indication!!
I already had one with 19 J.schon!!
What’s gonna be with you when you get 50?
I don’t understand you.
No wonder you have 0 friends!!🤣🤣🤣🤣
What are you gonna say? Let’s talk 50.
The blood can be from the hemorrhoids or a thrombosis. But the thrombosis would heal again after a few weeks. They lie further outside; hemorrhoids are further inside. Salves help well if you get well.
If you’re offered an intestinal look, I’d take it to safety. It should definitely be cleared.
Offer is exaggerated he said I could do one to be quite sure but actually you don’t do that with 18
He said you were making a KANNST. That’s an offer. And that this can give more security is also correct.
I’d take any investigation I can get. You don’t get to rest. I’ve made my first intestinal replication with 19 and I have to control it every three to five years. It was good that I made her at that age, otherwise I might have got colon cancer later, because at that age one is still too young to be able to do that. My complaints that led to it were luck in the disaster.
If you’re afraid of it, it’s not as bad as you think. The only braid is the… But if you don’t get it, there are still strategies.
You make me aggressive. Please just make them 100% sure that nothing else happens. And no one aches from what age an intestinal reflection is normal.
Intestinal reflection, like other treatments, is also associated with risks and should therefore be weighed as well as others. You don’t have to have aggressions.
Okay, I’ll do it. May I know what you had at the time with 19 and why you mirrored so young
When I had repeatedly visible blood in the chair 20-25 years ago, the proctologist diagnosed hemorrhoids 1 to 2 degrees. I fed myself more versatilely, took ointments and it became subjectively better, even if the hemorrhoids did not completely desert.
Just to be careful to exclude the more unlikely event that I also have cancer or similar seriousness, I was also recommended to have intestinal reflection.
Why don’t you just be advised by the proctoologist or doctor? The residual risk, in addition to having cancer, is also dependent on age.
Hey, so the blood was really like that on the chair or when wiped off on the paper with you? With me it is also in the chair