Hamburg kontrolle?
Moin Moin meine Freunde der Sonne 🙂
In Hannover ist es zur Zeit ja so das man in den Bussen keine Fahrkarte braucht da man keine Kontrolle hat da der Fahrer Bereich ja abgesperrt ist.
Ich bin zur Zeit aber in Hamburg im Urlaub und wollte einfach Mal wissen ob man hier in den Bussen beim Fahrer ein Ticket kaufen muss 🙂
Just because the driver might not sell a ticket doesn’t mean you don’t need a ticket.
Where should I buy one?
At the machine, for example? Or in a ticket office?
In principle, tickets were always required throughout the HVV. Since the on-board sale in the buses started again last year, checks have also taken place there, and they have never been exposed to rail traffic.
You can/must buy a ticket. With the driver, at the machine or by app with the smartphone. With cell phone it’s the cheapest.
Yes, you need a ticket!