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Yeah, I’ll do it at home.
Good morning,
I don’t really like in the public, but should it happen, of course, I keep my hand in front of my mouth 🙂
Love greetings and a beautiful day,
Reader’s note
Yes, but I can’t (both hands occupied) anyway.
When I’m in the public, it’s usually when I run from the train station to the school where everyone runs in the same direction where nobody sees it. In this case usually not. Otherwise, actually. ^^
Of course!
Always, I’ve been well educated.
Yeah, I’m so accustomed and don’t look at all sides to keep my mouth shut or not…
Yeah, definitely, that’s all right.!!!
Yes, whenever possible
No Not always when nobody is there.
So I do, because I don’t want to see that one can look in my mouth, and I generally look like shit, so Joa
Actually, I don’t like the public. Unless I didn’t sleep so well, but then, of course, I hold my hand in front of my mouth.
I can chicken without opening or suppressing the mouth so that it goes away without teeth – so I always do it in the public.
Same 🥲
Yeah, whatever. It’s a habit.
Good evening, JMsummer. 😊
In public, I don’t have to mention…
If this is the case, I will of course hold my hand in front of my mouth.
Greetings, Renate. 😊
Sure. I’m civilized.
There is no order anyway
Not for your comment either.
I’m just saying
Then save yourself.
I don’t ask
is normal
Mostly yes…
I’ll make my mouth like a lion, and I’ll give it to you.
Yeah, always.
Mostly yes
I do.
Yes, it’s a kind of reflex with me.