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2 years ago

I think it – provided that we are not taking ourselves here on the planet itself before – is quite realistic that there are armed conflicts in space – and it does not even need aggressive aliens.

♪ You will find the following scenario: We write the year 2.600 u.Z. Humanity has managed to leave behind the great crises on earth (climate, power, intolerance, religious fanaticism – between 2 to 4 relatively large quantities of cuts, but only by the way) and begin with the colonization of the solar system. There are settlements on Mars (on which the foundations for a gradual terraforming are laid) and in the atmosphere of Venus (where the first mirrors are built with which additional solar energy is to be sent towards Mars) and raw materials of the inner asteroid belt are mined from bases on Ceres and Juno. In the meantime, an industry for the construction of space stations and interplanetary spaceships has emerged on the Earth’s moon, and huge stations of hydrogen and other elements from the atmospheres of the giant planets harvested in the orbit of Jupter and Saturn and carbon is extracted from the methane lakes of titanium.

In all these places living and working outside the earth, people build up their own existences and the colonies in which they live develop their own interests. Earlier or later, these interests are no longer the same as the interests of the people who live on earth. You already have the potential for a conflict. Then, politicians go to the plan that are “brushed on riot” and have a fine feeling for underswelling moods and latent dissatisfaction that can control and escalate them – then the conflict and in the worst case the open war comes.

For war begins when the self-interests considered legitimate and non-negotiable by one party cannot be brought into line with the self-interests of at least one other side which are regarded as equally legitimate and non-negotiable by it. For example, Ukraine war: For Putin, Ukraine belongs to the Russian Federation, and it gives you the right to independence and independence. For Ukraine, however, this independence and independence cannot be negotiated…

kami1a, UserMod Light
2 years ago

Hello poppedefoppe!

There will be the necessary technology until then. This can also be the case in 30 years

By the way, I would be interested in how many wars have already existed in space

Not only people can wage wars, beautiful evening

2 years ago

It would be possible if any colonies outside the Earth want to be independent.

2 years ago

So in 500 years maybe not yet, but maybe in 1500 years. If we finally had contact with the outside world.

2 years ago

Until then the earth or The environment is definitely anti-human..

2 years ago

Because in 500 years there have been no more people.

2 years ago

I could imagine that in today’s technology.

2 years ago

You look too much Star Wars.