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Yes, visually does something, a formal language that I mean to understand and which fits into a port city. Great meeting place with the Plaza, which also offers a great view of the port and the surrounding area.
And, the actual, the concert hall with its all-round plans, all with great view to the stage.
The most important thing about an opera house is certainly the acoustics. And I was simply thrilled.
🌟Thank you!!
Looks like a boring functional insurance palace with some alibi corners inside. Here are various designs for a comparable building in Bonn. They’re better for my taste.
it looks beautiful but also iwi nd I find
An architectural highlight. But at construction costs of EUR 866 million, i.e. 10 times the estimated cost, you can expect something.
It follows a known pattern in Germany:
It takes a little longer and costs more.
It was pretty expensive. But rather the coal in Germany blurred when it was thrown out somewhere else with both hands.
I think the block is pretty ugly… sorry.
I like her very much. Great building and super acoustics in the concert hall.
If they had failed, it would not be a landmark of Hamburg. Although I miss the cranes.
Visitors will be amazed at how huge and conscious this building is.
Greetings from Hamburg-Eilbek
I’m fine. Just don’t understand the hat.
Is there still Hate? Sure, the cost and construction time were over plan, but is that still a topic?
I’ll get it from the design.
Simple ingenious