Can a bee survive a one-meter fall onto a stone floor?
I often rescue bees and wanted to know if a bee gets hurt if you accidentally drop it.
I often rescue bees and wanted to know if a bee gets hurt if you accidentally drop it.
Hello, I've found food moths in our small pantry. I've now cleared everything out, thrown most of it away, or transferred it to containers. Now I have a few foods where I'm not sure if the moths would attack them, and I'll have to throw them away, too: eggs Vegetable/chicken and beef bouillon powder (all…
Hi, could this be a cockroach? They are here on the balcony on the first floor. I've never seen them here before. Thanks,
Hello everyone, A few months ago, my boyfriend and I moved into an attic apartment. I assumed that spiders weren't common in attic apartments, but in the last few months, we've been literally overrun by spiders, and they're now in every room. I recognized many of the spiders, but I've come across many species that…
See photo. Is there a danger? Certainly 5 to 8 cm tall. Including leg length.
Hopefully a forest cockroach
Help, what is this? I'm not sure if it had two black lines. At first I wanted to squash it, but then it somehow ended up on its back and wriggling, but at some point it stopped. It wasn't so fast that you couldn't catch it. I would be grateful for any helpful answer.
So small animals can practically crash out of any conceivable height without taking damage.