Halsweh seit eine Woche. Sorgen machen?
Bin seit fast 2 Wochen krank.
Anfangs ist die Krankheit nicht ausgebrochen aber dann Ende der Woche 1 begangen die Halsschmerzen.
Morgens isses am schlimmsten. Dazwischen hatte ich Reizhusten aber der hat sich etwas beruhigt.
A cold isn’t dangerous when it’s one. You were with the doctor. If you don’t feel better despite the prescribed medication and despite the doctor’s instructions, you’ll go back. Maybe what he prescribed doesn’t work.
No drugs
Well, off to the family doctor if it’s not better after a week.
I’d go back before the weekend. Friday morning. It’s your health.
I was yesterday. So go again next week?
I’d go to the HNO again, the sore throats are too long for over a week.
It should be treated.
Did you do anything to treat the sore throat?
The neck hurt only came later. Before that, I was still beaten and had stimuli coughing towards the end of the beaten.
So since Friday
Well, a normal cold