
Servus, ich übe schon lange das Halsringreiten mit meinem Pferdchen. Sie kann stehen bleiben, rückwärts und vorwärts als auch Gangarten wechseln. Das abbiegen kann sie auch aber ich wollte fragen: Wie macht man dem Pferd klar, ob man einen großen Kreis ( Zirkel) reiten möchte oder eine kleine Volte? Ich hab es meinem Pferd so beigebracht, dass wenn ich zb. Nach links will das rechte Bein drückt, ich mein Gewicht nach links verlagere und den Ring etwas nach links drehe…

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2 years ago

So, as well as riding with zum: Turning over the hip.

Incidentally – neck-ring rides are not brought to the horses – they do what the rider gives up to help. A help should also help the horse to get into a better balance.

A turning is never done by pushing from the outside, but by the position of your hip.

Otherwise, you block the inner shoulder, quite simply said.

2 years ago

If you wanted to steer my pony as you did, it would have jacked you. it did not like to be brought out of balance by bending

When you turn your hips in, the legs come from alone to where to go.

in principle, it is enough to look where you want and not to turn the neck. also your poor and thus the hand with the neck ring goes along automatically, so that the neck ring is more or less strong and gives the exactly matching impulse.

I hope you’re using a well-fitting saddle – even when riding a neck.

2 years ago

Neck ring riding is a good way to check if you ride correctly with seat and leg aids. If something doesn’t work with it, it’s up to the trainer hours to focus more on the correct help.

2 years ago

I tried this once with my horse. Simply so, without introduction or any tips from the internet.
It worked very well right away. We didn’t exactly hit every line, but it was much easier than I thought. If you ride with seat and leg aids intuitively, you don’t need to get involved.

2 years ago

From circle point to circle point, look into the volt line. Correct help must be established beforehand.

2 years ago

… Just like you do with Trense. Thighs, weight.

2 years ago

If you ride a volt, then you push more with the outer leg, shift your weight inwards more strongly, turn the neck ring inwards more strongly and turn with the upper body strongly inwards. If you ride a circle, you only exert a bit of pressure with the outer leg, shift your weight slightly, turn the neck ring slightly inward and turn your upper body slightly inward. So you’re doing the same thing only with the volts stronger than with the circle, as the circle is smaller there.

2 years ago
Reply to  HorseGirl2009

If you ride a volt, then you push more with the outer leg, shift your weight inwards more strongly, turn the neck ring inwards more strongly and turn with the upper body strongly inwards.

and if you want to ride a forehand, you just turn until you fall from the horse.

this form of “help” is in no known way.