Halluzination auf Ecstasy normal?
Moin, ich habe gestern auf einer Party zum zweiten Mal Teile geschmissen (2,5 Blue Punisher). So, nach ungefähr 2-3 Stunden habe ich Halluzinationen bekommen. Ich lag im Bett und habe viele kleine schwarze Punkte an der Wand gesehen, die sich auch bewegt haben. Zusätzlich habe ich auch nach Spinnenweben gegriffen, die nicht da waren… Das hatte ich beim ersten Mal auch. Meine Frage nun: Ist das normal oder nicht?
You write that you took two and a half parts. These are, as a rule, massively overdosed, so that even one would suffice for several adult men. It fits with what you’re writing. Such hallucinations are signs of Overdose.
Of course, it could also be that other active ingredients were additionally present than MDMA or that they were something completely different. Only drug-checking can give an explanation. Look here: https://www.eve-rave.org/drogen-abc/drugchecking/
General information about the typical effects and side effects as well as the risks associated with consumption can be found here:
If you have eaten two and a half parts it can be that you have around the 700mg intus that is much too clear that you have side effects.
Although hallucinations can occur in MDMA, even if you are extremely overdosed.
Watch your parts http://www.pillreports.net After.
Maybe something else was added, but of course no LSD – this is an urban fairy tale.
What you describe (points, spiders) is not a hallucinogenic effect, but a delirante experience.
Overdoses of certain, receptor-free sleeping agents also cause this. The spiders are very well known for a long time.
But it should not happen on pure MDMA.
With extreme overdoses of MDMA you can get hallucinations, but you have to exaggerate without God.
This may happen occasionally and is not a reason to worry. Sometimes XTC is also set with LSD. More rare with heroin. Hallucinations are then a desired side effect.
Why should you put a drug with another psychoactive substance? Not only would it make the drug more expensive, it would also reduce the effect – but at least change.
Absolute nonsense is that ecstasy is treated with heroin.
No, you’re a big mistake.
I’ll get out of it that you’re at least an occasional man and can understand what I mean.
So when people consume a drug more often, there is a habitation effect. Many people are even bored a little by chronic consumption. That is why, sometimes, different drugs are consumed together. It’s called mixed consumption.
The nonplusultra is naturally, at least according to my experience, injected intravenously into the neck of a heroin-cocaine mixture. Some still mix a little ketamine, but this is a matter of taste. I used to like to mix and pull XTC with speed. Well, everyone has his preferences.
In any case, XTC parts with LSD core are by far no rarity. Sprinted(with H offset) are actually less common.
You have to remember two more.
1.It came to sell the manufacturers of drugs not only to the greatest possible profit margin, but also to sell as good a product as possible.
Two. Even with the basics, users get a change. So there are so many different varieties Kiff, XTC, etc.
Thank you for giving me right.
And for that, you even put yourself in the right place. I’m telling you theory is your thing and you could have brought it faster if you were lying.
Aside from this, only one single pill is complete (and you don’t need an IQ of 130 to understand where you’ve got it) to prove that there is.
What do you think, how many pills eve&rave, by the way, notices a rather superfluous work to classify, like HyperHyper from Scooter, has studied? In England or wherever.
And also the statement that Heroin cancels the effect of XTC is not correct. I wonder where the writer of a BRAVO wanted to know that with Techno. Sometimes I would have liked to get a little down on Afterhour with heroin if there was nothing to trick, that doesn’t work well.
I really tried to explain. It wasn’t always exclusively on the money!! Some small kitchens just like to have made extraordinarily good or spasy stuff.
As I said, because heroin, PZac etc. is not mixed with XTC by chance, but it has even been proven by your magazine, I wonder what your Internet research on the topic XTC and LSD will be.
You’re welcome to return.
Source: Drugscouts.de
I think that’s enough to prove you’re a sucker.
But maybe you can call it a serious, credible source for your abstruse Ecstasy/LSD/Heroin theory.
I don’t know. As hard as you go to the barricades when you actually have to do it with a user, your declining walkway and disinterest tends to close the latter. And 31,000 posts just make sure you give your opinion the best.
I don’t know exactly what you have with the 130 IQ either. Maybe you’re confusing?
I’m trying one last time. Why would I think that out? Or because of such a lapalie insist?
There is both the first, even relatively often, at least with us. If I told some of my remaining colleagues, that’s why you’d make such a wind, that’d just give head shakes. The latter is more special as said, but it was also quite common for a time.
Have you ever seen how XTC is punched? You can do almost everything. For €20 000 and with the right know-how you can do 1000e things. LSD isn’t different. It’s not a question of money.
And also your coffee/beer analogy is not true. You would also think that coke and Schorre would be completely contrary from their effect. But, and you can also believe that there is nothing comparable to the intravenous injection of a cocaine/heroin mix/mixture/cocktail, which also sounds enough for you to Streetcredibillity (noise is too bad for you). You think XTC and LSD are incompatible…
That you cannot read out from my more than 31,000 posts at GF whether I am an activist or prohibitionist does not speak for IQ 130.
However, there is no ecstasy with LSD – or ecstasy with heroin.
See, and this is the fundamental difference between us. I’ve never seen anyone who would say “Shore” to Schorre. Theory/practice. Read/lived. Dreamy/Getan.
What are you now a drug activist or drug opponent?
I certainly didn’t want to bore you, although I’m occasionally bored, so I picked up a little, trying to get a civilized dictus. I tried to get you a little closer to what really happens to dependants.
But just because in Kuhkaffscheisshausen, when you were so “right” on the show, you have not yet been spun or have got to watch with the core, that doesn’t mean that. This means that you don’t have as much plan as you would like.
There are XTC with Trip, there are blue, yellow, pink paste, there is paste that tastes like marzipan. There are LSD in Bömbchen. Making XTC is so fucking cheap that the most expensive purchase is the press machine. Coffee and beer? When you were still stinging why there was a colapulle swimming in the bucket, Schorre parts were already an old hat.
Continue writing around the clock if you still find time to worry about your 3 poles, celebrate, but it doesn’t change.
Are you accidentally suffering from ADHD or is your speech/write born?
Why do you come to me with your pathetic life story when it comes to neither LSD nor heroin in Ecstasy?
I’ve never seen anyone who writes the word “Shore” (in the original ‘Sore’) so wrong – “Schorre”.
And that with a prescribed IQ of 130.
It’s embarrassing.
I don’t blame you for your rudeness, you don’t know better.
But the fact is that you will never have contact with someone in your life who has taken more drugs than me. Even if you would accept a corresponding job in psychosocial care as a drug counselor or as a nurse in detoxification, it would be quite unlikely. Even I barely know someone, not even someone who is still alive, and for 30 years I have had almost exclusively to do with people who only know the word “enough” from television. For the simple reason, because hardly anyone survives so long as excessive drug consumption.
You’re looking at what I prefer the term drug? Unlike what fabric? 16? Apart from that, the “Gift” is a very common synonym for heroin. I’ll tell Junkie to us, too. You don’t like that in the Drobse.
Just because the guy you talk to in the disco or the side you know from the darknet only offers Rolex does not mean that there is not what you don’t know for a long time. Parts with LSD cores are absolutely nothing special, at least not where I come from. Scattered with Schorre are added a little less. But you should understand that it is not a “pansche” but so desired.
I come from a nice little town not far from the Dutch border, in the ’90s, when I got there, we have sometimes mentioned the sad statistics of most drug deaths per head. But I was 13 and I didn’t know many of the dead. Today this is different, we have a piece of wall there for a few years the names of the dead have been intact with a knife, for example there are about 80 names. 80 friends, colleagues, people I barely denounced but knew for years. Many will not come to that anymore. There are hardly any of us left.
You’re disturbing me?
I knew someone who had a dead man sitting on his armchair for a year because he didn’t know what to do with it. The guy just sucked, no crime except BTM, but 110 was not in it either. So the guy’s going to fade to an armchair for a year, but the thing’s flown up when he was relocated on the compass. I shared needles with LLern,
I’ve broken a needle in my neck, the blunt thing didn’t want to get through the scary vein and red cuffs have very thin needles, which was gone, I’ve obviously frightened myself, but before I get to the hospital I needed a shot. You’ve also bumped into the neck story, in fact it doesn’t make any difference when you turn into the neck or between the toes. The kick is coming right now, we’re gonna be okay. But the neck again has a really asige attitüde that can offer the bar at most.
I was at least 3 times clinically dead, and at least 1 times have a friend (which is now of course dead) revived in the bathtub. I was awake six days a bit, not meth, that’s really hard for us, from speed. When you use drugs as martial arts, you get absurd ideas. How to keep an eye on cardboard or form a Union jacket of 100g Pep. If you pay for Knicker 50 Pfennig then you take 100 pieces to celebrate and give away half and eat the other half yourself.
Well, if you’ve been through this, young friend, you can believe me one LSD in XTC is not an invention of me. Maybe not so familiar in your large-scale discos but no rarity, I took it at least 50 times.
You’re talking about a distraction shit without thinking that Ecstasy is as little with LSD as with heroin, and as an alleged user, even take the word “noise” in your mouth.
You and your answers can’t be taken seriously.
Oh, actually, it wouldn’t be so bad, I’d be a sucker.
Some of my colleagues who are still living are happy to say they wouldn’t be so violent if they could reverse it. I’m a little different. I’ve always loved it, and I guess I will. I loved ETC for a long time. That was 30 years ago. Maybe I even liked XTC more than coke. More than heroin isn’t, it may not be.
Three years ago I had to be operated, Kehlkopfkrebs. If you take 12 years of heroin and cocaine away on alu film, the coke still stinking ammonia can’t wait. But smoking is shit. But, at some point when you see, even if you have 6 hours with bumpy needles flying around you, after the last Fitzel vein perhaps nobody has found, your colleagues just as fucking and desperately looking,
Oh, voice band carcinoma, I had to be operated. The OP team had to seek access with 6 employees for almost 2 hours, because even with ultrasound no functional access could be found, neither in my neck nor in my ledge.
You can believe me when I talk about drug, I know what I’m talking about.
Yes You don’t have
Sorry, I have to say it so hard, but you’re a sucker.
Mixed consumption is intended by the consumer of various substances, but has nothing to do with the fact that manufacturers or producers do not mix Ecstasy with LSD, because in each case Ecstasy and LSD would be required, which would increase the purchase price and the delivery price. By comparison, it would be like selling beer containing coffee.
You’re also a sucker because you’re swirling “cocktails” (heroin and cocaine) injected into your neck here, without knowing that injecting into the throat veins is often the only way to meet a non-sharp vein, but nothing has to do with ecstasy.
However, you are more chatter because you are your original statement, Ecstasy would be mixed with heroin, now reduce to “actually less common” but do not seem to know that an opiate like heroin minimizes the effect of ecstasy.
What you spread is not even half knowledge. Even as a quarter-knowledge, it wouldn’t go through.
“Normal” is taking drugs anyway.
But as a symptom it can happen.
Well, since the most unpredictable times, people take drugs, even animals like elephants or monkeys consume drugs, e.g. fermented fruits. I’m just saying that 20-30% of people take drugs. So it’s quite normal.
Relative. Maybe this is normal for you to consume drugs.
For me, it’s still not normal.
Apples and pears. I guess I’m bare and I’d never say that you should consume drugs easily and without care. Or that it would not have any risks and effects. That would be quite stupid. What do you think?
Again. It is not about risks, side effects and pharmacists, nor about your or my opinion. That is why the consumption of drugs for humanity is something normal.
People have consumed drugs long before the wheel was invented. Distillation was mastered, some even say that no process was perfected as this before there was paper or black powder.
The “ether man” is pulled through America before the idea came to use ether to anesthesia and you could get high for a few pennies.
The consumption of drugs is normal for people. From alcohol to sugar, from dope to coke.
I think we can both agree on different opinions and perspectives on drugs and drug use.
While you think that drug use is normal, I think it is very important to take into account risks and effects of drug use and make a wise decision.
Normally, normality does not measure according to the views of individual. Then it wouldn’t be a norm. I just wanted to say that you were wrong. You may not like that, is also normal. Changes nix.
It may be that you might have got 2cb
I also had a shot after ner Ecsy party but soon gone away