Hallux valgus schmerzen?


ich bin 18 Jahre alt und habe an beiden Seiten einen hallux valgus. Derzeit tuen beide sehr stark weh. Einen Termin beim Orthopäden habe ich erst in 3 Wochen bekommen. Habt Ihr dennoch Tips die ich in der Zeit anwenden könnte, damit ich meinen Fuß schonen kann? Empfehlt ihr Fuß Schienen oder extra Socken, siehe Anhang.

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1 year ago

Let the extreme experiments as long as no doctor looked at!

You can google physio exercises and watch that you can create relaxation / stretching and relief

Barefoot running and above all wide, comfortable shoes!

And with all the others wait for the three weeks or go to an emergency time and waiting time

1 year ago

As long as you have no binding diagnosis, the only thing that helps and does not hurt to wear shoes that fit. In particular, too tight and very sharp shoes strengthen the pain due to pressure on the bales, in too short shoes the slate position of the toe is promoted. Paragraphs should also remain < 5 cm, because high heels promote a spreader foot, which in turn can cause the Hallux valgus.

1 year ago

aha at an age where you can still use muscular rules, do you want to dive any experiments into passivity?!

Foot gymnastics, ordinary leg axes training. Ready!

1 year ago

These night storage rails help you, however, what you need to consider, which can not improve anything that is already there, which slows down the process only.

Some people are very good at it and have hardly any pain, others do not get clear or feel any difference

1 year ago

I would change the shoes, there are extras sneakers with fabric on top so-called mesh materials. You should be fine with that.

I also think you’re still at an age where you can correct it yourself.