Hallus valgus – Welche Übungen helfen wirklich?
Ich habe einen beginnenden Hallux valgus am rechten Fuss, die Zehe beugt sich nach innen, an der Außenseite ist vermehrt Hornhaut und oben sieht man erhöht das erste Fussgelenk. Schmerzen habe ich noch keine, aber rechtzeitige Gegenmaßnahmen helfen vielleicht. Das Fussgewölbe sah auch nie wirklich perfekt aus
Welche Übungen kann das Fortschreiten eindämmen?
Gibt es weitere Tipps und Tricks für den Alltag?
Danke und einen schönen Start ins Wochenende
For the right exercises, you could visit a physio, visit a course for foot gymnastics or visit a prevention course for feet and legs for ballet/dance or also gymnastics, if offered. Physio would be my first point of contact. Foot gym and other courses would be useful for a permanent strong foot muscle.
The foot muscles (e.g.: large-spee-abspreitzer and lifter) and various muscles on the lower leg (e.g.: those who form the stirrup) should be strengthened so that your foot vault will be erected again, or your foot axis will fit again and can deliberately spread your big toe and bring it into a straight position.
General mobilization would also be very useful to counteract shortening or hardening.
I’m split between the rails, as with inserts. A passive correction position can be helpful in pain to relieve the joint, but as a result, the muscle is removed even more work. Muscles that do not have to work are constantly expanding and the problem is increasing.
You should miss out on tight shoes
Thank you for your detailed answer, sounds logical, first the muscles are powerful instead of passive means. I need to see where I can find a physio. I did not find exercises on the Internet on the fast. But it’s really better if someone shows me so that I can execute them correctly.
So thank you again
YouTube friend and helper 🤝
You should wear orthopedic inserts.
For example, you can wear a rail. They are available in the sanity house or on the Internet to buy.
Did you try it yourself?
Yes, I got the rail from my mother.
Thanks – then I’ll try it