Hallo zusammen. Ich möchte einen Onlineshop für digitale produkte erstellen z.b Bilder. Wo könnte man das machen?
Zudem sollte es noch andere Funktionen geben.
Mann sollte sich auf dem shop registrieren können. Ein Wasserzeichen sollte vorhanden sein was eine fortlaufende Zahl hat. Die Stückzahlen solten man begrenzen können.
Ein Highlight wäre es noch wenn es eine Funktion für eine Verlosung unter den Käufern gibt.
Freue mich über jede Antwort und Hilfe
No wonder if I understood your question.
I guess what you’re looking for
Host .
The comprehensive offer is described as
Webhosting – Wikipedia
One of the first decisions is probably whether you want to build an “independent” shop or whether you want to use existing infrastructure such as an established payment function, such as Amazon, Temu, etc.
Maybe at Etsy
Would like a separate shop. 😉
Of course at home office.
Because everything you write is running over the Internet. You just have to buy a free “website”. With or without pre-progamming- I think everything you’re telling you can buy with. Then only the optics are missing that can make with some knowledge themselves or a web designer and fire free.
Thank you.
Have you ever looked at Shopify? There you have different ways to implement your ideas. However, you need to acquire the know-how if you don’t know it yet.
If you just want to offer the pictures online for sale without much technology, then Tentary could be something for you.
Here is Link to an example store.