Hallo zusammen?

ich bereite mich gerade für den Englischunterricht vor und arbeite mit dem Red Line 3 Buch. Leider habe ich momentan keinen Zugriff auf mein Exemplar und benötige Unterstützung bei den Inhalten. Kann mir jemand sagen, was auf den folgenden Seiten behandelt wird oder welche Themen dort erklärt werden? Fotos wären super.

Es geht um:

• Seite 32 bis 34

• Seite 36 bis 37

• Seite 40 bis 43

• Seite 183 bis 184

Vielen Dank im Voraus für eure Hilfe!

(3 votes)

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3 months ago

If this isn’t going to happen here today 2 ideas: tomorrow is Saturday. There you would have opportunities in a big library – in our central library I would bet that the book is somewhere in existence that is not borrowed. So you could work with it for a few hours, if necessary make copies. And possibly borrow a copy that is awarded. Alternatively, a good school book trade. We’ve got 1 district on.

No. 3: Call your classmates tonight who has the book about the WE home. Also then: borrowing, making copies or learning together…

Best for your class work!!!

3 months ago

Pages 32 to 34

These pages treat the “Reading Corner” of Unit 1, in which students are to understand a history from the past.

Pages 36 to 37

Unit 2 begins here with the “Way in”, which provides information about Scotland and technology.

Pages 40 to 43

These pages comprise the “Station 1” of the unit 2, in which it concerns the writing of persons.

Pages 183 to 184

These pages contain the directory of vocabulary with terms like “scrap”, “outstanding” and “making fun about”.

3 months ago


go to the website of the Velcro publisher and see if you can scroll there in the book.

Otherwise, I know that – even in today’s time – so that you ask a classmate or a school friend for help and then do homework together or learn. This is more fun than alone!

Or one forms learning groups in which one helps and supports one another; sometimes also ‘interdisciplinary’, so that e.g. ‘Mathe-Asse’, ‘English-Assen’ in math help the jumps and vice versa.
