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This can also be a thorn wart.
They are extremely painful.
Try it with a warm foot bath with chamomile, take quiet tea bag.
Look what’s going on when it softens.
Keep your feet very clean and don’t handle scissors or other items.
If black dots show up, it’s probably a thorn wart.
But to treat these, you should be sure that it is also one!
yes has black spots and does so much of hurt can hardly walk
You can see it badly through the feet of the socks.
Google and compare the photos.
Yes it’s just doing it hope it goes away
As I said, make a camomile foot bath. Kamille heals and removes inflammation
It is like a bubble and it presses and hurts very
Looks like a bubble in the core. On the edge a little ignited.
For the first time a water bath, clean up and do something like this on Betaisadona. If it doesn’t get better or even more yellow, icing then you should be a doctor.
Seems to be a thorn wart, I had a little bit of it. Super help:
After a week, everything’s okay.
Hello..This looks like a water bubble surrounded by cornea.
Would recommend to make a foot bath with lubricating soap
The softening works particularly well in a warm foot bath, for example with lubricating soap or also sea salt. Duration: 10 to 15 minutes.
If next week is so, then contact a doctor to clarify
LG Sky 🌈
Maybe a bad one? Unfortunately, I don’t know that much, but for me, it looks like a bubble. Endangered areas such as bales or heel can be glued with plaster or tape in advance. Good improvement on the heel is not fun.
But a visit to the doctor would certainly not hurt
One foot, but I’m Laie. Could also be any other body part…
Very untreated foot with mushroom and pussy bubble. Foot care and skin doctor
Show that to the doctor, go to the hospital if necessary. Wash off the dirt before.
It’s an abscess and you need an antibiotic.
Oh, that looks painful. I used to, but not so bad. You’d better get some butter on it and go to the doctor afterwards
Nix Dramatic.
Did you run a lot, maybe football, tennis, etc? Or what?
I think that’s a foot
If what hurts you should ask the doctor instead of here!
It should look at an orthopaedic before the foot falls.
Is a bubble
What can I do because can hardly walk