Hallo, würdet ihr noch auf ein Konzert von Gil Ofraim gehen, wenn es die Karten umsonst gebe?
Gut, ich meine, wenn ihr da sowieso nicht hingeht, dann braucht ihr nicht antworten.
Gut, ich meine, wenn ihr da sowieso nicht hingeht, dann braucht ihr nicht antworten.
Hey mal ne frage würdet ihr nackt auf ein Festival, Party , Rave oder an Karneval sein oder hin gehen und schonmal was davon gemacht ? danke für das Feedback ☺️
Ich habe gehört das Timbre der Stimme ist wichtig für die Bestimmung der Stimmlage. Doch was genau ist das Timbre und wie findet man sein eigenes Timbre heraus?
Der ja auch der Organist ist einen fremden Organisten oder Organistin in die Orgel einweist
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Moin. Ich verstehe es einfach nicht. Vorallem bei Taylor Swift nicht. Viele sagen ja, dass das Songwriting so mega ist, aber das ist es doch gar nicht. Also ich meine, habt ihr euch das mal angehört?! Einfacher geht’s doch gar nicht. Die nimmt einfach vier Akkorde und singt was. Und der Gesang ist nicht mal…
Hallo, ich habe mir 2 Taylor Swift Tickets gekauft und wollte diese nun stornieren. Weiß jemand ob ich danach nochmal 4 kaufen darf? Weil man höchstens 4 Tickets kaufen darf pro Konto.
I would. I’m the only person in the world who still believes him. And that he was only under pressure and fear of being sued for slander and has given false confession to the extreme process stress and the public.
Okay, I admire your courage.
Is it so bad that I’d have to expect an awe? Violence?
That’s all extreme as the mood against him is.
If he had only described it to the police, it would have been possible to slander.
In addition, I find it natural and correct to react on site if an employee insults me and, if necessary, also to the leadership.
That he went to the public – perhaps was unnecessary and insane.
But he would have been just as legal in the other way.
You’re right. He shouldn’t have made it public. Nevertheless, I think the impulse was real discrimination against him. And so it’s tragic that he’s being punched from the victim to the perpetrator.
Yes, that’s it. To show someone is one thing, even proof is completely correct and all right.
But who. This is brought to the public, in which the press and other media are spread, that is different. Then eman should be sure that you can prove such claims. There’s the point in which I’m going.
It would have been one thing if Ofarim had shown this thing to Dr police and had waited for what happened. Instead, he went to the public and claimed things that were not to be documented.
“But one should be able to prove such claims without doubt if one publicly accuses people.”
With this note, there’s no more rape or bullying sacrifice to say anything. Unfortunately, this is also often the case.
If this is not proved legally, the victims are also being watched by all others. That’s terrible. What do you suggest victims? Shut up or go to the police? What are they doing better?
How is a layman supposed to assess in such a situation that it will be dubious? For example, he does not know whether a surveillance camera has recorded it, with or without sound, what others have heard or not.
After Gil Ofarim’s case and such comments as yours, I would no longer dare to address any insults or attacks. What with my mental health would be, k.A. …
He can. But you should be able to prove such claims without doubt if you publicly accuse people.
Incidentally, he is not so well-known or important that every employee of a hotel knows that he is a Jew or a chain.
So, it is well possible that the employee did not know or see the chain and therefore even made keien antisemitisvhe remark.
I admire courage.
And I think he wasn’t aware that his necklace might not be visible on the day.
It is already as he said – anyone who recognizes it knows about this chain and can also make an anti-Semitic remark with reference to this chain.
Aso and the – frankly wrong – accusations against the hotel’s staff, who would have almost become unemployed, are okay?
I think he might have left it off / lied that he was already angry at the hotel and threatened to make it public.
Nevertheless, I believe that original antisemitism was there.
In a Youtube-Thread, a hotel employee who was confirmed by others left a comment that is really anti-Semitic. The fact that Gil Ofarim’s father had already rested on the Third Reich or benefited from it.
And I find it bad how possibly completely destroyed the life of a person most likely innocent from my point of view. I hope he still has people to stop him.
I condemn anti-Semitism ✡️
There was probably no anti-Semitism in the case. Rather, he just invented it.
I am also against racism and anti-Semitism. But I am also against people who see racism and anti-Semitism where no one is or invented such incidents.
No, the guy doesn’t like it at all.
No, I really don’t like the guy.