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That’s like asking how much a car dealer deserves: it depends on how successful you are; in principle, you can earn a lot of money in Panama, too, but if you don’t have it or are inexperienced, it might just be enough to survive. A time-intensive job is definitely it. In Panama, by the way, you need a license for this, which is regulated by law, with training, exams and so on.
Most real estate agents worldwide worked on commission. The basic salary as a hired broker is usually not so high, the merit comes from the commission. Of course there are also self-employed real estate agents, but you have to have a relatively high share capital to offer real estate at all.
To do so abroad without any relationship, and without financial reserves is very risky. Can you perfect Spanish? Do you know Panama’s contract law? Then you better take care of a solid commercial training so you have something in the petto if this experiment should go wrong.
What is that stupid question, in my opinion.