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Schmeckt Tee mit Schlagsahne?
Ich frage mich das weil manche trinken ja auch Kakao mit Schlagsahne.
Often and much! Mostly with friends or alone
Don’t Lont
no one!
For me an eclipse, bitter and inedible brew.
how old?
The beer? I think a few months.
I drink more than you
I believe the questioner can speak for himself. And yell like that
21 months old beer? If you can do, I’m sure you’re going through as a camp.
It’s naive on the ceiling.
He meant you
with parent, 3 gap or wat
I drink with my parents rather rarely.
Joa xD
Wrong thought.
hä thought would be 15 or so
I’m 30. Of course I drank beer with my parents.
how old are you, and have you been drinking 1 bottle with your parents?
If my parents ask me if I want to drink something and I want to drink a beer at the moment, I’ll say that. Depending on how many I want to drink, I drink.
if you drink 1 bottle with your parents or how much? and do you tell your parents you want to be or your parents?