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For an FSJ/FÖJ/BFD, you are best looking for carriers of these services. They can then recommend you suitable sites where you can apply, depending on how you present this year.
For volunteering, you should first clarify what exactly you want to do, how much time you can spend on it regularly, permanently and in the long term and what skills you already have. Then you can ask for matching clubs how you can get there.
There are also some agencies for honorary offices, after which you could googlen for your place of residence. And there are now also apps that can search for volunteers through non-profit organizations, such as “letsact”: You can also see if you find something right there for you.
Consider, however, that even if an honorary office is not a job with corresponding legal duties, one should nevertheless realize here that in a certain context it is built on one then. If you just want to sniff and try it out, then you can communicate it directly! But don’t give generous promises and promises and then no longer show up – that’s not fair. Mutual transparency, openness, honesty – this is simply crucial for good voluntary cooperation. So, in doubt, start small first and then, if you notice that more goes, increase engagement.
Thanks for your answer. Can FSJ/FÖJ/BFD make a foreigner? I live not in Europe, but China.
Yes, there are also possibilities for this. For example, the DRK has such a programme as a carrier: services-im-drk/supply-beim-drk-fuer-voluntary-aus-dem-aus-aus-
This, however, is an enormous bureaucratic effort, as you need a residence and work permit as a non-EU citizen. So you have to apply for them beforehand and meet the necessary criteria.
Thank you for your answer.
By simply turning your head on and looking for what you have to do
Well, I don’t live in Europe. I already have FSJ and BFD. I don’t know what to do. I have passed A1 A2 Prüdungen, last week I have already described B1, unfortunately the notes are not yet communicated.
I’ve read FSJ and BFD