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Hello.. I even drink our water directly from the water crane ice-cold.
LG Sky…🌈
Hello dear Superturk💛
Thank you for the Stern🌟ich I was very happy to ask you on this planet🌍 only the best of all my heart 💛
Stay healthy
LG Sky….🌈
Bader than what?
Do you think it’s worse when you cooked it? No, that’s the same, right out of the tap, or cooked.
In world regions where you cannot rely on germ-free tap water, this is the common way to drink germ-free water and get food. This is usually not necessary.
Doesn’t have any effect at all.
comes to the jar where you cook it.
alu, plastic or a damaged coated pot are not recommended. not really copper.
if the water cooker is in stainless steel, it is not a problem.
Hello, Superturk.
This is totally safe….
In Germany we have so good water that it would not be necessary.
Greetings, Renate.