Hallo ne frage ist die Schokolade Milka Pralinen Dankeschön 110 g gut zum verschenken oder Merci Rot 400g?
Hallo will jemand als dank was schenken aber ich kenne in net so gut welche schokolade ist besser oder kennt ihr noch welche ?
Hallo will jemand als dank was schenken aber ich kenne in net so gut welche schokolade ist besser oder kennt ihr noch welche ?
Meine Eltern meinten ich soll mir etwas wünschen, aber weiß nicht was, habt ihr ne Idee?
Hallo, ich habe zwei Freundinnen (nicht beziehungstechnisch versteht sich xD) und möchte nur für jede ein Weihnachtsgeschenk besorgen. Es sollte etwas Kleines sein, aber etwas, das von Herzen kommt. Leider bin ich seeeehr unkreativ, was man nehmen sollte, aber ich möchte den beiden unbedingt eine Freude machen, weil sie mir wirklich sehr am Herzen liegen….
Hallo meine Tochter 10 hat ihr Geburtstags Geschenke Geld in ein Portmonee getan. Laut meiner Tochter hat sie es im Kinderzimmer liegen lassen. In ihrer Schreibtischschublade da ist es nämlich nicht. Ich habe alles auf den Kopf gestellt seit Tagen ich vermute leider das meine Neffen es vielleicht entwendet haben. Da der große für akribisch…
Ich versüße mir den Tag mit einen leckeren Kakao mit Schlagsahne: und was macht ihr?
Hey zusammen, ich bin auf der Suche nach Werksverkäufen oder Ähnliches bei dem man Fleisch B-Ware günstig kaufen kann. Als Student bin ich leider mittlerweile auf günstige Alternativen angewiesen, damit ich meinen Proteinbedarf gut decken kann. Würde mich wirklich sehr über einen Geheimtipp freuen!
Hi, Ich wollte mal nach eurer Meinung zu sky vodka fragen. Ich will ihn mal probieren aber habe Angst dass er wie Reinigungsalkohol schmeckt eben wie ein billig vodka. Danke im voraus und viele Grüße
Go to the baker/confectioner and buy handmade chocolates there. I’ll do that if I want to give someone something special.
They are not inexpensive but of great quality in terms of ingredients and taste.
The chocolates are always good, as many people do not buy this for themselves. I’ll give them a chance if I want to reward myself and do something good.
I have an acquaintance who was chief secretary at LIndt. She says that chocolate should be consumed as fresh as possible. And got away from confectioner pralines. Because the exchange of goods is often too slow and you might get handmade chocolates, but just old chocolates,
she once made a “training trip” to Belgium, where she was led through a chocolate factory and also allowed to drink chocolates directly from the band. So extremely fresh chocolates. She said she had never tasted such good chocolates.
If I buy chocolates from my baker, they’re fresh.
You don’t get all sorts at all times.
Do you really think Lindt’s chocolates are “fresher”? Look at this pack, especially the ingredients list. So much stuff my baker doesn’t need to make excellent chocolates.
That these chocolates do not last for months is self-evident, there are not so many artificial ingredients in it to achieve this effect.
Besides, I don’t buy them to store them for weeks.
no, they are stored in many confectionery for weeks and longer.
I don’t like to give this “prefabricated thank you chocolate” or get a gift. I also know that this is not always so good. Sure, you’re looking forward to it, but if you’re thinking so much about what you could give to someone, I’d say you’d rather take something more individual.
Thanks Schokis are a lot of money for little content, a normal box brings more content and determines just as much joy….
I like to give chocolate if I know the recipient likes it. So ask what he would like or I’ll pay attention to what he’s giving himself. In today’s time, however, there are many people with diabetes and chocolate there is no good idea. If I want to get someone nice, I’d rather take homemade keychains or bookmarks, with people close to me also a candlestick from Resin but not everyone is as handy as I am.
Well, it depends, so with younger ones, I’d rather take the Milka, then with adults Merci
But stop is so or so standard, and there you can’t do much wrong within the selection
While, would rather take something from knight sports because Milka looks at me cheaper
it does not come to the price of chocolate but to the taste!
Yes and somewhat cheap or not, also affects the taste
I think Merci is better for giving away.
I am not happy about MIlka, moderate quality, nor about Merci. Fantastic, boring, moderate quality. Do you have a Leonidas store in your place? Then go.
And if there’s something from the supermarket, LIndt is better suited.
Can you give away, yes… is just the cheapest of the cheap.
Can you recommend
Leonidas – does not have to be a giant pack – the keep Lindt, Hachez or something,
Depends on what you want to spend…
cheap? long hasn’t been shopping, have you?
You confuse cheap.
Then maybe Hachez. Price/performance is fine here. Or Fedora. Both very nice brands that you get almost everywhere.
So the chocolate should cost more than 30 euros
I’d give up what the recipient likes.